Anyone who is in recovery or who desires to recover from life’s trials, problems, addictions and dysfunctions is welcome. It makes no difference what one’s recovery area is — grief, depression, alcohol, drugs, food, relationships, codependency, stress, pornography, sexual brokenness, life problems, etc. It is our prayer as Christians in Recovery that we can help each other in recovery and in our walk as Christians to come closer to God, to become stronger in Him, and to be nourished by discussion of Biblical scripture.
Christians in Recovery believes in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and His power to change us into the spiritually whole individual He wants us to be. Christianity is a relationship between God and each individual who seeks Him. We endeavor to provide information, tools and resources that people can use to attain their own wholeness in Christ as a child of God.
As a group, we try to stay within the guidelines of these 12 traditions:
1. God and His Word, the Bible, are our ultimate Authority.
2. Our common welfare as Christians in active recovery comes first. United we strengthen each other in our faith and in our recovery process.
3. The only requirement to become a part of Christians in Recovery is the desire to recover and become more Christ-like.
4. Each Christian in Recovery participant has the right to his or her opinions, ways, and beliefs. We recognize that Christ’s body is made up of many parts and that ALL are necessary to the whole. As individuals we are each at different stages in recovery from many different addictions/dysfunctions. We endeavor to live and let live and give ourselves and each other permission to take what we need and leave the rest.
5. Our primary purpose is to share our experience, strength, hope and faith with one another as Christians walking the path of recovery. We believe that the Bible supports and expands our understanding of the 12 Steps. We also believe the 12 Steps support our understanding of the Bible and enhance our growth as Christians. As a result we are better equipped to face the challenges of recovery with grace and to help others in their recovery.
6. Christians in Recovery does not endorse, finance or lend its name to any other group, facility or enterprise nor is it a subsidiary of any other Christian organization or group.
7. Christians In Recovery is largely user supported. It is the financial responsibility of each individual who has benefited from the work of Christians in Recovery to ensure that it can continue to reach out and help others in need. CIR Membership | CIR Donation
8. Christians in Recovery does not engage in providing individualized professional services or counseling and should not be used or regarded as a substitute for such services.
9. Christians in Recovery is a nonprofit organization. A Board of Directors oversees daily activities and future planning.
10. Christians In Recovery has no opinion on outside issues. Participants should avoid religious debates and public controversy.
11. We seek to attract others to recovery and to a belief in God rather than to promote or force our beliefs onto others. We need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and media. With respect to the Internet and electronic communications, participants will not break the anonymity of any other individual participant unless given express permission to do so. The anonymity of the Christians in Recovery participant outside the realm of Christians in Recovery is the responsibility and choice of that individual
12. Anonymity and faith in God are the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.