I am more powerful than all the combined armies of the world.
I have destroyed more men than all the wars of the nations.
I have caused millions of accidents and wrecked more homes
than all the floods, tornadoes and hurricanes put together.
I am the world’s slickest thief,
I steal billions of dollars each year.
I find my victims among the sick and poor alike,
the young, the strong and the weak.
I loom up to such proportions that I cast a shadow
over a field of labor.
I am relentless, insidious and unpredictable.
I am everywhere, in the home, on the street,
in the factory, in the office, on the sand and in the air.
I bring sickness, poverty and even death.
I give nothing and take all.
I am your worst enemy.
I am alcohol.
I am patient and I am waiting.