Info & Help

Take Your Time: Step Knowledgably into Marriage

by Andrea Schwartz
Love at first sight may seem to work out perfectly in novels and film, but rarely are first impressions true or lasting. Along with this myth comes the illusion that family background, religious orientation, and lifetime experiences are of little-to-no importance when it comes to committing to lifelong marriage. Young people smitten by the love bug believe the age-old lies that love will keep them together and that love is all they need. However, doing things God’s way remains the touchstone for successful covenant marriage.

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Are the 12 Steps the Only Way?

Is it acceptable to have or receive a different approach than following the traditional Twelve Steps only?

In Christians in Recovery, the 12 Steps are only some of the tools available to those seeking recovery. The Bible and Biblical principles come first and foremost. CIR is not AA. Our Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty are our “Higher Power.” The Bible is our handbook. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and our Guide.

The 12 Steps are just tools. They work for some people and other people simply have no use for them. That is fine. If they work for you, by all means use them. Many people find the 12 Steps bring them into a closer relationship with God.

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Sponsor, Accountability Partner, Recovery Buddy: What’s the Difference?

There may be some confusion about the difference between a recovery buddy/accountability partner and a sponsor. In AA, where much of the groundwork was laid for recovery, they use a sponsor/sponsee relationship.That requires someone who is spiritually mature and who has a firm foundation in recovery with many years under their belt to be the sponsor.

Unfortunately, the truth is that many people come to a group, get “recovered” and leave.They never give back.
That does two things:

  • it shortchanges them (“You have to give it away in order to keep it”)
  • and

  • it short changes the newcomer (who needs someone to mentor them)

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Following a Meal Plan

Perhaps you took a step in your eating disorder recovery and obtained a meal plan. However, you may be afraid that you will not be able to follow it. How will you keep from reverting back to your unhealthy food habits? Does the amount of food in your meal plan seem like it’s too much or too little? If so, then what?

Following a meal plan can sometimes be challenging for sure, but the rewards are worth the effort, so why not try all you can to follow it? Be honest with your dietitian or nutritionist so that he or she has the opportunity to give you some helpful tips to try. Remember that he or she is on your side as another member of your support team.

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Taking the First Step: You Have the Key

You look ahead with such despair
and feel all hope is gone,
for life has been so difficult
already you feel worn.

But living life in happiness
is not so hard to do,
first make somebody happy
and joy will come to you.

But if you fear rejection
of love you have to give
and fear to reach your hand out
you’ll never learn to live.

The first step is the hardest,
just take it and you’ll see
that life is worth the living
for now you hold the key.
~ Ruth March 1978

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100 Significant Scriptures

This is easily the longest article I’ve ever written. Check out the next few sentences and you’ll see why.

A while back someone asked me to define my “life verse.”

I suppose if I HAD to choose a single passage I’d pick Romans 8:28.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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The Half Empty Glass Is Leaking

Do you consider yourself an optimist? Why (or why not)?

I’m doing a talk this week for an Optimist Club, so I’m thinking about optimism. I did a little research to find out what optimism is, where it originates, why some folks have it and some don’t.

Frankly, for much of my life I was a confirmed pessimist. I not only saw the glass as half-empty, but I was certain it was leaking and eventually would be completely dry.

I was the second person in this exchange.

Optimist:”This is the best of all possible worlds.”

Pessimist: “If that’s the case, then things can never get any better.”

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Learning God’s Purpose for Your Life

But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves,
not having been baptized by John.
Luke 7:30, NASB

We hear a lot about the importance of “purpose-driven lives,” but is it enough to follow any purpose… or does it matter whose purpose we choose to follow?

The above verse in Luke tells us that the Pharisees and lawyers rejected God’s purpose for their lives. Why? Because they hadn’t been baptized by John. What does that have to do with it?

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