Info & Help

Step Four and Prayer

The 4th Step, taking one’s own inventory, can be quite intimidating. But like many other things in our lives as Christians, it should be approached first and foremost in prayer.

Psalm 139:23-24 KJV
Search me, O God, and know my heart:
try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if [there be any] wicked way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

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10 Ways to Be More Productive During an Argument or When Trying to Express Yourself

1) Listen to what your spouse has to say, even if you disagree! Hold back from interrupting because quite frankly, it is very rude to interrupt people when they are trying to express themselves, even if they are expressing themselves in a negative way.

2) If there is anything ambiguous that your spouse said to you then have them clear it up so you do understand. What’s the use in listening if you aren’t really hearing?

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God’s Role in Eating Disorder Recovery: Grace

Have you considered allowing God to have a greater role in your eating disorder recovery, but you find that something is holding you back? Perhaps you feel guilty over your eating disorder behaviors or maybe you feel unworthy of God’s help. If you do feel like this, please remember that you can’t earn His help anyway, but that you can be a recipient of His grace.

God’s work in our lives is not dependent on us. In other words, we don’t earn, and we can’t earn, what He gives to us. As we enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and become believers, it is a result of His grace, not because of anything we can do ourselves. We see this clearly spelled out in Ephesians 2:8-9, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. From this time forward, we would do well to remember this same favor remains with us. We don’t earn God’s help, His blessings or His strength. Instead, we realize that He blesses us because He loves us.

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How Can an Angry Person Help Themself?

Understand how to let go of emotions in productive ways. Remember there is always an underlying reason for deep-seated anger. Once you realize why you become angry, take the needed steps to heal yourself from within so you can be a better communicator and express yourself in productive ways rather than in violent ways. Pray about your anger. Sincerely ask God to help you understand better ways to express yourself and to not allow your emotions to control you.

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God’s Role in Eating Disorder Recovery: Patience

As One who is patient, God can play a vital role in the long and complicated process of eating disorder recovery. Sometimes, though, those in eating disorder recovery don’t feel comfortable approaching God about their struggles. Maybe they feel they should be further in their recovery than they are, and perhaps they feel impatient with themselves and assumed that God feels the same.

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What Can You Do To Help Your Angry Spouse?

Anger never resolves issues. If you live with an angry spouse you should learn to detach so the anger won’t gobble you up with it. Anytime you retaliate with angry and abusive words back to an angry person you’re fueling the fire. Simply walk away. You want to put the fire out, not rekindle it. Anyone who lives with an angry person needs to learn how to emotionally detach from the anger. Don’t let the abuse control how you feel or control what you do, or control your behaviors.

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Step 4 – Defensive Self-righteousness

As you take inventory you will be tempted to become defensive. Our life patterns are part of us. When we start to look at them honestly for the first time in our lives, our immediate reaction is to dig in our heels and try to justify our past behavior.

In the fourth step you have to be relentlessly honest. You have to look at yourself objectively and refuse to defend anything that is wrong in your life (past or present). The first step out of your dark pit and into the light and victory starts with complete honesty.

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Enabling – the Wrong Kind of Help

Many are godly people who have prayed for their loved ones, yet they watch painfully as they continue down a path of rebellion and destruction. So what can you do to help you loved ones? Stop enabling!

Enabling – Offering the Wrong Kind of Help.
Enabling is rescuing your loved ones so that they do not experience the painful consequences of their irresponsible decisions. Enabling is anything that stands in the way of persons experiencing the natural consequences of their own behavior.

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Prayer for the Grieving, Broken Hearts, Those in Despair

Abba, so many hearts are breaking out there. So many hearts are saddened, grieving and mourning. There are some in despair, some who have lost all hope. They are broken and they don’t understand what You are doing in their lives. They need Your touch so badly. Please hold them close to You. Please hug them in such a way that they can feel it. Please comfort them and reassure them in their hour of great need.

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