God’s Role in Eating Disorder Recovery: Patience

As One who is patient, God can play a vital role in the long and complicated process of eating disorder recovery. Sometimes, though, those in eating disorder recovery don’t feel comfortable approaching God about their struggles. Maybe they feel they should be further in their recovery than they are, and perhaps they feel impatient with themselves and assumed that God feels the same.

If you are hesitant to go to the Lord for help with your eating disorder recovery because you feel He must be very tired of hearing it or that He may just give up on you, please remember His patience. We read about this patience in David’s prayer in Psalm 86:15, But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Does this sound like a God who will turn His back on you if you stumble in your recovery? Notice the phrasing in this verse. Doesn’t someone who is compassionate, gracious and slow to anger sound like one who is patient?

Eating disorder recovery is too difficult to go through alone. Why deny yourself of divine strength? The Lord wants you to be free of your eating disorder. If you need to go to Him over and over again about the same issues, there is nothing wrong with that. Do you think He would rather you remain in bondage instead? As one who is “ABOUNDING in love and faithfulness”, of course, He wants to be there for you and give you the strength that you need if you will only ask for it and receive it from Him.

Know that eating disorder recovery is a long process with numerous ups and downs, sideways steps, victories and defeats. God knows that, and He also knows you. Who better to help you than the One who understands you better than anyone, knows exactly what you are facing in your recovery and who knows how difficult the process of recovery is?

If you feel impatient with yourself, be careful not to assume that God feels the same way. We don’t know God’s thoughts unless He tells us. Please also try to remember that He wants a close relationship with His children. When you go to Him, that can help you to develop a deeper relationship with Him. Let God have a greater role in your recovery.