Info & Help

Bickering Over Money

Do you and your spouse bicker over money issues? When the utilities, credit card bills, and mortgage are due, do you find you are more stressed out when it comes time to pay them? When husband and wife both work, and make their own money, sometimes who is going to pay “what” bill, and “how much” can become a confusing and frustrating situation.

Some couples make it easier on themselves by pooling all their monies earned into one bank account, and then paying all the expenses from that. This is the most organized and efficient way to manage the home finances. Also, only having one spouse do the budget and pay the bills, rather than both of you overseeing the checkbook and then bickering over it is best.

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Temptation vs. Self-control

Robert, a recovered alcoholic of three-months is invited to a friend’s birthday party. His wife of ten years doesn’t want Robert to go to a party where there is going to be alcohol but he goes anyway. Heavy drinking is going on and people are offering him drinks. Robert desperately wants to find reasons for having a beer. He wants a drink, he needs a drink, and the more he thinks about the rush it will give him the more justifiable it sounds. He rationalizes how one beer won’t hurt. Robert gives in and has a beer. An hour later he is drunk. He stumbles to his car and prepares to drive home. Robert never made it home. The crash killed him instantly.

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How to Detach From Emotional Abuse

Be consistent in your efforts. Your abuser needs to see that YOU are not going to be bullied around any longer. When detaching with love/respect there are 5 things to remember:

    1. Be consistent – don’t one day detach and the next day break down in tears

    2. Remain Calm (don’t fight back)

    3. Let the abuser know you are ready to talk when they are ready to talk

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God Speaks in Six Great Ways

God speaks in six great ways: in nature and creation; in the moral law; in
the Scriptures; in Jesus Christ; in human conscience; and in history. All
these things are, of course, forever imperishably true. And all of us know
them to be true, and have known it for years; yet many of us believe no more
now in the practical Voice of God than when we first heard them.

We cannot carry on a conversation with God through nature, or the moral law.
We find God’s general will in the Scriptures. We find God still more
directly in Jesus Christ. But human conscience is no perfect reflector of
God, and history only points to His existence and His general will. We want
something much more direct.

We want to know that God can and does speak directly to the human heart. The

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How is Your Relationship with God?

Why are some people afraid to get close to God or have a meaningful relationship with him? I think it is because when we sin, or when we commit habitual sin in our lives, we feel guilty over it. God has equipped every one of us with a conscience for this very reason. A guilty conscience is a warning signal that goes off in the mind, letting us know that we have done wrong. The problem is people try to eradicate those guilty feelings without eradicating the cause of it. But this is like taking painkillers instead of treating the disease.

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I Confess My Sins. Why Don’t They Go Away?

It seems like I am always confessing my sins and yet they never go away. What am I doing wrong?

This is a really loaded question, especially since we are not perfect individuals and we are all sinners. We will always have sin in our life and we will sin. But this certainly doesn’t mean that some of us are not good people. It means that we don’t understand the logistics of sin and how it all works in our life.

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Pornography Addiction: Playing With Fire

Pornography addiction is playing with fire. If your marriage means anything to you at all then you are playing with fire every time you think about or view porn. Even if you are single it will transform your personality into something that was not meant for you to be. It is not beneficial for the mental and emotional aspect of who you are to look lustfully at another woman or man, other than the person God has blessed you with.

Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life. NIV Proverbs 6:25-26

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Overcoming Porn Addiction and Impotency

Ask Angie: How do I handle impotency? We have been married for 23 years. We have not had sex for the past 2 1/2 to 3 years. Nor is there any intimacy. We fell in love and got married. But he was subscribing to pornographic sites, which used to send emails (about 20 – 25 per day) I confronted him with it and he was furious. (This was something I found out about 3 years ago) How do I handle this situation? He won’t go to a Counselor or a Dr. either. We have 2 grown up kids. I don’t think that there is another woman involved. I spoke to him about this but nothing is forthcoming. What should I do?

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Our Daily Conduct

In Ephesians 4:25-32, the apostle Paul begins to clarify our Christian responsibilities regarding works. He appeals to us in verse 1 to make every effort to live a manner of life that measures up to the magnificence of our high calling. He then makes sure we understand that we must carry out our responsibilities in humility, (the quality of being modest or respectful), kindness, and forbearance, (patience, tolerance, or self-control, especially in not responding to provocation), as we strive to maintain a state of purity, (the absence, or degree of absence, of anything harmful, inferior, unwanted, or of a different type).

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Types of Recovery Support Group Ministries

Every day, recovering people meet at a variety of locations—churches, homes and community centers. No pre-registration is required for these meetings. Interested individuals simply locate a group that focuses on their particular problem and then attend the meeting. Group participants remain essentially anonymous; they need not reveal any personal information except their first names. During the meetings, they are free to speak openly and honestly about current issues in their lives or to remain silent and listen to others. In this environment, participants don’t have to pretend their lives are perfect and free of problems.

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