General Recovery

Are You “Fully Persuaded?”

And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised,
he was able also to perform.
Romans 4:21 KJV

It has been said of Abraham that he was a friend of God and the father of many nations, but what impacts me most about this biblical patriarch is that he was “fully persuaded” that God could and would fulfill His promises, regardless of seemingly impossible circumstances.

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Life is Not a Game – Workshop Transcript

note: Members may discuss this workshop in the Message Boards HERE

Obie-Host Hello and welcome to CIR’s latest Workshop:
“Life is Not a Game: Rules, rebellion, and freedom as a follower of Jesus” given by Rich Dixon.
Rich is a respected speaker and the author of “Relentless Grace: God’s Invitation To Give Hope Another Chance”.
You are invited to visit Rich’s web site:
where you can learn more about Rich and his writings and you can also purchase his book.
You may download the booklet for free which this workshop is about here:

We will open with prayer, after which Rich will speak for several minutes. When he is through speaking

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A Lifelong Reconstruction Project

One of the most sobering chapters in all of Scripture can be found in Deuteronomy 6. In this well-known portion of the Old Testament, we are informed that the Law of God is more than just a series of directives handed down by a Divine Deity. In fact, we learn that obeying the Law is not only a life-long pursuit, but a pursuit that can actually lead to a longer life (6:2). We are also told that obeying the Law is “for our good always and for our survival” (6:24). Further, we are tasked with the mission of not only obeying this Law ourselves, but of passing it on and teaching it to our children (6:6-7). Any one of these three components, when considered on its own, should be enough to convince us that God takes His Law seriously.

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Are the 12 Steps the Only Way?

Is it acceptable to have or receive a different approach than following the traditional Twelve Steps only?

In Christians in Recovery, the 12 Steps are only some of the tools available to those seeking recovery. The Bible and Biblical principles come first and foremost. CIR is not AA. Our Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty are our “Higher Power.” The Bible is our handbook. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and our Guide.

The 12 Steps are just tools. They work for some people and other people simply have no use for them. That is fine. If they work for you, by all means use them. Many people find the 12 Steps bring them into a closer relationship with God.

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Taking the First Step: You Have the Key

You look ahead with such despair
and feel all hope is gone,
for life has been so difficult
already you feel worn.

But living life in happiness
is not so hard to do,
first make somebody happy
and joy will come to you.

But if you fear rejection
of love you have to give
and fear to reach your hand out
you’ll never learn to live.

The first step is the hardest,
just take it and you’ll see
that life is worth the living
for now you hold the key.
~ Ruth March 1978

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Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Loss or Need Healing

Abba, You are so amazing. Your love for us in nothing short of incredible. Thank You for touching us and for filling us with Your Spirit. Thank You for considering us worth saving. You could have allowed rebellious mankind to stay separated from You for eternity, but instead, You made a way for us to run into Your throne room. You made a way for us to be cleansed. I praise You and thank You for that.

Abba, You have children who are facing losses…losses of loved ones, losses of homes, losses of jobs. Please comfort them, Abba, and help them to remember that You care for all of Your creation…from the tiniest of creatures we are unable to even see to the crown of Your creation…mankind. Please bring reconciliation where it is needed. Bring forgiveness. Bring Your healing Shalom.

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The Half Empty Glass Is Leaking

Do you consider yourself an optimist? Why (or why not)?

I’m doing a talk this week for an Optimist Club, so I’m thinking about optimism. I did a little research to find out what optimism is, where it originates, why some folks have it and some don’t.

Frankly, for much of my life I was a confirmed pessimist. I not only saw the glass as half-empty, but I was certain it was leaking and eventually would be completely dry.

I was the second person in this exchange.

Optimist:”This is the best of all possible worlds.”

Pessimist: “If that’s the case, then things can never get any better.”

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Learning God’s Purpose for Your Life

But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves,
not having been baptized by John.
Luke 7:30, NASB

We hear a lot about the importance of “purpose-driven lives,” but is it enough to follow any purpose… or does it matter whose purpose we choose to follow?

The above verse in Luke tells us that the Pharisees and lawyers rejected God’s purpose for their lives. Why? Because they hadn’t been baptized by John. What does that have to do with it?

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Are You Wasting Your Life?

“So teach us to number our days aright–that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

What is it to number our days?

One way is to keep a careful record of them. That is a mathematical numbering. Some people keep diaries and put down everything they do–where they go, what they see, whom they meet, the books they read. But mere adding of days is not the numbering that was in the thought of the Psalmist.

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