Ask Angie: My husband is too controlling, every time I think things are going to work out, they go back to the way it was before, he bit my face a couple weeks ago, I didn’t do anything, he starts feeling a certain way and thinks I’m lying to him. I’ve been with him for 16 years, and it hasn’t gotten better, he’s made some changes, not as violent, but the constant grief I get, I can’t take it anymore… my heart is breaking.

One of our kids is acting out, the 2 older ones don’t want to be at our house, he’s great with our baby. I don’t know what to do. My family is about to wipe their hands of me because I keep going back… I don’t know what to do, I want to be a good wife and mother, he says I’m letting my kids tell me what to do, but I do see their pain, my older two, especially my middle one who is a great boy. Thank you for listening.
Marriage Guidance: Please print out this marriage column and preview and discuss it with your husband.
Why do people try and control others? What does controlling someone mean? People who control others with words, threats, fist, lies, and manipulative behavior usually have underlying insecurities within themselves. Perhaps they are afraid of losing something or someone. They have to get to the bottom of these insecurities to understand how to accept the things they cannot change and the courage to only change the things they can – themselves.
Your husband’s behavior is definitely not right. Using any kind of verbal or physical force to get your way is controlling behavior. Your husband may need to get some spiritual counseling if he behaves violent towards you. Please have him contact us for some biblical guidance in this area.
Don’t misunderstand the usage of the word “control.” Only when a husband or wife controls in a negative way is it actually controlling or trying to change that person. If couples have to scream at one another, demand things from one another, hit one another and manipulate one another then it is using controlling behavior. But if a husband or a wife is acting out as part of their God-given position then it is not control. Christ is a husband’s director and a Godly husband directs his wife and family under the direction of Christ.