
The Domestic Slave

There are various kinds of slavery in the world, and many classes of victims of this cruel bondage. There is among others, the domestic slave, whose tyrant is her husband–and the scene of her bondage, her home!

His stinginess allows her scanty supplies for bare necessities. His selfishness is so engrossing and exacting, that his demands for his own personal ease and indulgence are incessant, and leave her no time for the consideration of her own comfort. His disposition is so bad, that all her diligence to please are unavailing to give him satisfaction, or to avert the sallies of his irritability, discontent, and complaints.

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Past Events are in the Past

Past events are in the past.
What in tar-nation Can You do About Them??

Many of us tend to live in the past. Thinking about what caused their present condition, whatever that may be. These same people continually, and compulsively, trying to find the cause of something or why someone or some thing is interfering with their life.

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What’s Holding You Back? A Process of Re-Connecting With God

It’s a very interesting thing about this holding mentality. Holding information within a computer is quite acceptable. But within the human computer, known as the brain, it can chain one to the past.

There are important things for you to remember from the past? not your past so much as the past explained in the Bible. The important thing is that you not rely on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5.

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Distorted Images of God

Many people don’t even think of God. Many don’t know there IS a God. But what about you? If you are reading this then you obviously are aware there is a God. You are aware because you are reading this article. If you are just becoming aware, then this article will maybe help clear up some misconceptions people have about God.

I remember being a little girl and thinking that God was this big person, bigger than the mountains who would punish us if we did something wrong. I could imagine this country-sized hand coming down out of Heaven to hit me when I did something wrong. My image of God was distorted. Fortunately for me, God cleared up my misconceptions.

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Faith in Question

Establishing a Diagnosis

Many people will spend more time examining the vegetables in the supermarket than they will spend evaluating their faith.

Generally speaking, faith is relying on what God has done rather than on one’s own efforts.

In the Old Testament, faith is rarely mentioned. In its place the word “trust” is frequently used, and verbs like “believe” and “rely on” are used to express the right attitude one should display to God.

The classic example is Abraham, whose faith was reckoned as righteousness (Gen. 15:6), and at the heart of the Christian message is the story of the cross: Christ’s dying to bring salvation for all.

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When She Went to Bed (Too Busy for Jesus)

I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:8-9, 11 KJV

I talked to a friend of mine on the telephone last night and she told me that when she retired she took a trip to another country and was away from her husband for four months. I said, “You must have really missed him.” She replied “I was so busy and was so involved in doing things and going places that I didn’t have time to miss him until I went to bed.”

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Think Jesus

I’m sure you’ve heard many times that we are to think positive thoughts and indeed we do need to think positive instead of thinking negative. However, just thinking positive thoughts will never change us or our circumstances. We don’t have the power to change anything. It takes the power of our risen Saviour living in us to change us and our circumstances. Instead of thinking positive we should “Think Jesus.” He is the only one who can change a life and melt a hardened heart into a soft heart.

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Our Cane of Life

As I was walking back from the mailbox earlier today, I wished with all my heart that I did not have to use a cane. I’m okay at home because if my knees give way and I start to fall, I can grab hold of something but outside there is nothing to support me so I have to use it. I have to use a cane when I walk because I never know when more of the cartilage in my knees might tear.

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