
Sin, Guilt and Forgiveness

If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 1:10-2:2 NRSV

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The Sun Seemed Quite Blocked

The sun seemed quite blocked
By cloud of unknowing,
In anguish I’m locked
Miles apart from God’s glowing,
In sorrow I sit
Adrift and decaying,
I turn on the spit,
I’m split, God’s filleting.

If tincture of time
Could evict my inversion,
I’d wait for sublime
And unblemished conversion,
But something inside,
Unsettled, is gnawing,
Where visions collide
An insistence is pawing.

Alert to the call
I rotate an ear,
From under the pall
A snippet I hear,
The tiniest clue,
No more than a tinkling,
Light as the dew,
A fairy dust sprinkling.

God in His subtle,
Mysterious way,
Had deigned a rebuttal

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Free eBook: Law & Liberty

All law is based upon morality, and morality is itself based upon religion. Therefore, when the religion of a people is weakened, so also is its morality undermined. The result is a progressive collapse of law and order, and the breakdown of society.

Men, though, see law as a limitation on their liberty, and Christianity is held to be the most restrictive with its emphasis upon Biblical law as the foundation for morality and liberty. Humanistic man wants total liberty, but he does not realize that total liberty leads only to total anarchy, and that leads to the death of law and liberty. Unless every man’s liberty is limited by law, no liberty is possible for any one.

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The Wonders

The wonders of Creation
Of cremation of my sin
Of how a child like Mary
Could harbor Life within

Of how a thriving orchard
Springs from a single seed
Or maker of the universe
Could sit on Mary’s knee

I hang in life upon a limb
On far flung distant tree
But track my lineage to the One
Who took the nails for me

The miracle of Life moves on
Invading, chasing void,
Creating fertile fields in hope
The dust will spring to joy.

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How Do You Define Yourself?

1 Timothy 1:1 NKJV
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope.

How much of me is me and how much is the Lord Jesus?

Paul writes two very interesting things in his introduction to this letter. First, he defines himself. He is first, foremost, and always an apostle of Jesus Christ. That is, there is nothing else in his life, no other priority, no other demand upon his time or efforts. It’s interesting because Paul was also a tent maker, a traveler, a teacher. He was also a Roman citizen (which not everyone was in those days). He could have defined himself in any number of ways… but he doesn’t.

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How Can We Turn our Suffering into Joy?

Is it even possible to turn our suffering into joy? I believe it is because I have done it many times. The joy we feel while in the midst of suffering is our connection to God and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit within us!

In Romans 5:3 it says that we should be rejoicing in our sufferings. What does that mean? It means that Christians will face difficulties in this life, throughout their lives, and through those difficulties, if they remain faithful to God, they spiritually grow and build Godly Christian character in the Lord.

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