What does a “Personal Relationship with God” Mean?
Have you heard the term “a personal relationship with God” but don’t really know what that means?
What does a “Personal Relationship with God” Mean? Read More »
Have you heard the term “a personal relationship with God” but don’t really know what that means?
What does a “Personal Relationship with God” Mean? Read More »
Are you feeling spiritually lost? Far from God? Learn how to find your way back!
Feel Lost? Finding Your Way Back Read More »
Is it possible to know your sins are forgiven? That you are going to heaven? Should you fear judgment?
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Assurance of Salvation Read More »
I’ve struggled and been in horrible, depressing bondage most of my life because I had no concept of self-worth and somehow that became tied to my appearance. I’ve struggled since a young teen with BDD, “body dysmorphic disorder”, a totally disabling disorder where the person sees themselves as so ugly and hideously deformed, they feel they have no right to even be alive and fear to be around others. I eventually turned to drink as my ‘coping mechanism” because that was the only way I could be around others and feel somewhat human. I’d been in and out of the hospital 7 times and had seen more Dr’s and taken more meds (often while still drinking) than I can remember. I even had shock therapy to try and overcome the overwhelming depression and hatred for myself.
Depression and No Self-worth Read More »
No-one wanted to deal with me. I was a lost cause to all, that is except for God.
I have been told by many to remain silent. That God would not use a person such as what I was. That miracles do not happen now-a-days, and on and on. It’s not understood, so I guess it isn’t to be mentioned. That sentiment has came from numerous local believers & church leaders as well as from the majority, seemingly, from the twelve step community here.
But I am not to remain silent. I must serve God rather than man regardless of what others think or believe. I feel inadequate enough, and there is no time for hate and debate. Bill W. had one.
There was no Hope for Me Read More »
Hi my name is Steve I’m a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.
I was baptized as infant and attended a catholic school and there was rules and things were disciplined. That is where I started to rebel and was asked to leave or to straighten up. I continued my education in public school.
I was sexually abused by an employer of a fast food place where I worked sweeping the parking lot. When I was around 14 years old he would buy me things gave me beer and cigarettes and I was to ashamed to tell anyone.
Alcohol, Crack, Heroin, Sexual Abuse – But God kept His Word Read More »
“I’m not an Alcoholic, you are! Don’t try to push your problem on me…” Sound familiar? This is what “they” call denial and I had it BAD. It wasn’t until the good LORD broke me, that I faced up to the truth. I have a problem. Alcohol is NOT my friend.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior but my walk really began six months before that when I had only two choices… death or life. Since I chose life, I had to make major changes. STOP Drinking had top billing. It’s amazing how the other changes began falling into place after that… only something was missing. I began going to church, but I was missing something… was it my attitude? I thought, if I can find young people like me, I’ll be okay. HA HA
I Had to Choose Between Death and Life Read More »
The following testimony was presented before a House Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer Protection in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, May 23, 2000. The hearing focused on obscene material available via the Internet. The overall thrust was to probe why the Justice Department is not enforcing laws already on the books that would effectively hinder the impact of online pornography. The goal of the 5-member panel testimony was to urge the Justice Department to prosecute more obscenity cases.
Porn Cost Me Everything Read More »
Some of you, my friends, have asked me, “How did God or what circumstances did He use to free me from being a bi-sexual/lesbian?”
When I first came on the Internet, I didn’t really tell anyone right away about my problem of being a lesbian. All my life I had wanted to change this part of me. I couldn’t stand being a lesbian, with all those perverted thoughts and images and (yes doing the act with a woman) going on in my head. I knew there had to be a way to be free from it, but didn’t know how to be set free. I couldn’t talk about it to anyone for fear of being rejected, unloved, and even neglected especially by GOD.
I am Freed from Being a Lesbian Read More »
I grew up in a very small town of about 600 people. My parents are saved and we always had all kinds of missionaries, special speakers from around come and stay with us. Our home was never quiet From a very age I heard the Word of GOD preached and we always went to church every time the doors would open. At age 4 I thought that is how I would get into heaven by going to church, being a “good girl” and by doing works. I never really believed or accepted Christ as Savior until much later. Everybody in my hometown knew everybody’s else’s business.
I Always had Those “Feelings” When Growing Up Read More »