Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Addiction as Besetting Sin

by Franklin E. Payne, Jr., M.D., author of several books, is Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia, in Augusta, Georgia.

Addictive disorders and alcoholism cost $165 billion a year in the United States alone!1 The addict screams, "I can’t help myself! I’m addicted." In response, "experts"2 and society feel compassion with ever increasing programs for them.

However, I want to substitute "besetting sin" for "addiction." The primary problem is moral and spiritual,3 not medical, and cannot be addressed without that perspective.

What is Addiction?

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Toxic Thoughts


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.

Do you have any toxic habits?

No, I’m not thinking of Oreos or ice cream—despite my doctor’s warnings, those are clearly proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

I’m thinking more about thoughts, beliefs, or habits of thinking that limit our ability to live full, free lives.

There’s a lot in life that we can’t control, but we’re always masters of our own attitudes. We’re always free to choose toxic thoughts that poison our minds with self-defeating attitudes.

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Breaking Habits

Part 1 Breaking Habits | Part 2 Tapping into the Unknown | Part 3 Breaking Habits and Sin | Part 4 God’s Love | Part 5 Scary Secrets | Part 6 Are You Ready?

You would be surprised at the number of people who have broken the chain of crippling habits by turning their life over to God.

There is only one higher power and that is God. One person relates:
"When I got up from my knees, I was a different person. He delivered me from alcohol, nail-biting, bad language, fear, and probably things I don’t even know about. It wasn’t as if I said to myself, ‘Well, I have had this talk with God, so now I have to clean up my act’. I could not have done that on my own. All of it was just GONE. I thought, oh, there really is a God, and I’m probably the only person this has ever happened to. (I am still amazed at thinking those thoughts.)”

This is just the beginning. Unfortunately some of us suffer multiple addictions that leave us scarred for life. It reminds me of the story I once heard about an individual that was asked to hammer a nail into a piece of lumber each time he sinned, for one year. Needless to say that peace of lumber was full of hard driven nails. He was then asked to pull each one of those nails out of that board. When he finished those the board was scared and pitted. The sadness of it was that it left vivid reminders of the destruction left by those nails/sins.

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Mental Illness Statistics in the USA

Mental Disorders in America Mood Disorders Major Depressive Disorder Dysthymic Disorder Bipolar Disorder Suicide Schizophrenia Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Social Phobia Agoraphobia Specific Phobia Eating Disorders Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Autism Alzheimer’s Disease For More Information References Mental Disorders in America Mental disorders

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Are You Tending Your Garden?

Recovery is much like tending our own garden. A garden needs water, fertilizer, sunshine, good soil and a lot of attention by the gardener. We, as Christians and recovering people need:

  • the water of prayer, meditation, and communing with God
  • the fertilizer of fellowship
  • the “Sonshine” of resting in Him (letting go and letting God)
  • the rich soil of God’s Word in which to firmly anchor our roots. Not only must we read the Word but we must *understand* it and *actively apply* it to our own lives. Roots must be anchored in the soil, they must take up the nourishment and then send it to the entire system of the plant so it may flourish.
  • a lot of attention by us, as our own gardeners, to remove all weeds that appear.

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What’s Love Got to Do With It?

What does love have to do with recovery? EVERYTHING! Easily a book could be written on this subject but I only have a few lines, so here goes.

Lack of self-love results in a tremendous amount of inner pain. Low self-esteem often leads people to look to sources outside of themselves for the love that they do not feel for themselves. This can result in “looking for love in all the wrong places” like same sex relationships, drugs, abusive relationships, codependent relationships, eating too much, alcohol, improper sexual relationships, etc. Or one might try medicating the pain with drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, etc.

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