
Joe and Charlie Worksheet #1

Joe & Charlie Workshop – Handout – Work Sheets – Page 1       WHAT IS THE SOLUTION ? Fellowship supports us.   Spiritual experience or spiritual awakening changes us.   OLD MEMBER…supports through experience-> OLD MEMBER…supports through strength- – > OLD MEMBER….supports through hope- – – – > A Fellowship of those who suffer the same […]

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The “Musts” of the Big Book

The following are quotes from the book Alcohlics Anonymous (also known as The Big Book).

“Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us. Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick. The answers will come, if your own house is in order. But obviously you cannot transmit something you haven’t got. See to it that your relationship with Him is right, and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. This is the Great Fact for us.” Big Book, page 164

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When the Wheels Come Off

I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s when parents still told their kids to go outside and play. My friends and I would spend all day in the yard and when we got hot and sweaty enough we’d run to the back patio, open the water spigot on the side of the house and get down on our hands and knees so we could get low enough to turn our mouths up for a drink of water that splashed all over our faces and down our necks. In the evenings I remember seeing my parents shaking their heads as they watched the oil crises in the 1970’s unfold on the nightly news. Gas prices skyrocketed to 73 cents a gallon! “Turn it off,” my mother would say to my dad. “Good grief! The wheel’s are coming off but they make it sound like the world’s ending.”

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We Drank

WE DRANK FOR happiness and became unhappy.
WE DRANK FOR joy and became miserable.
WE DRANK FOR sociability and became argumentative.
WE DRANK FOR sophistication and became obnoxious.

WE DRANK FOR friendship and made enemies.
WE DRANK FOR sleep and awakened without rest.
WE DRANK FOR strength and felt weak.
WE DRANK medicinally and acquired health problems.

WE DRANK FOR relaxation and got the shakes.
WE DRANK FOR bravery and became afraid.
WE DRANK FOR confidence and became doubtful.
WE DRANK FOR freedom and became slaves.

WE DRANK to erase our problems and saw them multiply.

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Utter Confusion

Utter confusion, misery and pain,
Humiliation, remorseful, ashamed.
Dreading to face the light of each day,
Not wanting to hear what people would say.

Like, “Where is your power? Where is your pride?”
They don’t understand that deep down inside
I wish I knew the answers to give,
Or how to find the courage to live.

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I Was Drunk When I Came to CIR

I had a bad childhood which really messed me up. Things have gone wrong in my life, depression being a big part. But my biggest problem was when I started drinking heavily. I thought I was OK with it but most weekends I would get so drunk and began to look for more and more drink. I would search the garage for drink, ( hubby a social drinker and would keep beer there ) beer, whiskey..stuff from Christmas time. Then I became a menace. I would get some booze. Then when there wasn’t anymore I stupidly would take the car to get more.

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Living with an Alcoholic: A Healthy Detachment

The best thing you can do when dealing with an alcoholic spouse is to detach from the abuse of the alcoholic. You can do this if you truly love your spouse and want to help them to possible sobriety. The more you focus all your energies on the alcoholic, the less likely he is to get sober. This article focuses on how you can detach and remain healthy mentally.

Don’t Make Alcoholism Your Problem

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Jumping the Hurdle of Addiction

I know that you can jump the hurdle of addiction and live a content filled peaceful life because I did, and I am. In my marriage and life I went through a lot of terrible emotions and marital issues during my bout with alcohol addiction. I have been sober for fourteen-years now, and I have never craved a drink, nor have I ever wanted to have a drink, socially or otherwise.

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