Info & Help

How Can I Deal with My Alcoholic Spouse?

Ask Angie: I have been married to an alcoholic for 16 years. I have detached in love and have been very active in my church and creating a life for me and my children outside of the alcoholism. The alcoholic in my life doesn’t seem to mind any of this and it actually seems to relieve him from the responsibility to be a dad and husband. He does work hard on his job and so he feels that’s all of his responsibility and likes when he’s home to drink all day and play video games and ignore us. I hate being with him. It’s a very lonely marriage. My two older children are becoming more upset by his lack of desire to be with them.

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Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian?

For decades authentic Bible-believers have watched – and battled – the slow advancement of paganism inside the Church. This phenomenon is surely becoming much more pronounced today. Right under our noses, there is now a bold blending of holy faith with demonic influence. This synthesis of two opposing worldviews is nothing short of a satanic strategy meant to blur and twist the distinctions which separate real Christianity and New Age beliefs and activities.

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The “Jesus” of the Cults

In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus’ disciples came to him and asked, “Tell us, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” In responding to this question, it’s very interesting what Jesus identified as the foremost sign of his second coming and of the end of the age, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.”

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You Believe in God but Do You Really Trust Him?

2 Corinthians 1:9-10 NRSV
Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death so that we would rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He who rescued us from so deadly a peril will continue to rescue us; on him we have set our hope that he will rescue us again.

I’ve always believed in God, believed that He exists, that He gave us His Word, that He desires to be interactively involved with me.

I have not always trusted Him.

You Believe in God but Do You Really Trust Him? Read More »

Prayer in Eating Disorder Recovery

Does it seem like the work of eating disorder recovery takes everything out of you? Are you tempted to just give up sometimes? Even when you’re weary, please try to remember that you do not have to do this alone. Through prayer, divine strength is always available to you.

Just as we read in Isaiah 58:9, He is ready to answer your call. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer you; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I. Sometimes it might feel that He is far away, but in reality, He is close at hand. Prayer can help you enter His presence.

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Healing Your Body after Addiction

When the addiction stops and the body starts to heal, there is the underlying issue of what has the addiction cost? Everybody is familiar with the exercise where you put down on paper how much financial wreckage there is that you have to deal with, but I am not talking about that.

This is a discussion about the wreckage of your body. That’s right the wreckage of you. Skin care and skin health have usually been compromised to the point where many people have scars and other telltale signs that remind them of how bad it really was.

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Becoming Self-sufficient in the Lord

Ask Angie: Since the husband’s role is to provide, what do we do in these economic times when he has not been able to find a job? Not being able to provide puts him in a precarious position and tensions rise. We are living in my mother’s basement and not being in our own home is hard on him. We argue often and moments of harmony and peace are short lived. We also have three kids to think about – the last being 11 months old and this is another added stress. I pray. I read. What more? What do you suggest?

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A.A., the “Higher Powers,” and the New Thought Compromise

My Search for the Curious Nonsense “gods” Floating Around Recovery Talk

As many know by now, my searches for the history of A.A. began when a young man told me when I was three years sober that A.A. had come from the Bible. I told him I had never heard such a thing in the thousand or more meetings I had attended. He then suggested I read the A.A. General Service Conference-approved book, DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers; Which I did. And the young man was right.

Then, as many have also heard, I realized that A.A. had many roots. Some had never been researched. Some were scarcely known in the Fellowship. Some had systematically and intentionally been discarded; or, at best, they had been distorted.

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