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An Old Man

89 years old

looked on by society as worthless
an outcast
a burden

and yet absolutely loved by You

in Your eyes, a mere child
a soul in need of Love
just like the rest of us

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The Sun Seemed Quite Blocked

The sun seemed quite blocked
By cloud of unknowing,
In anguish I’m locked
Miles apart from God’s glowing,
In sorrow I sit
Adrift and decaying,
I turn on the spit,
I’m split, God’s filleting.

If tincture of time
Could evict my inversion,
I’d wait for sublime
And unblemished conversion,
But something inside,
Unsettled, is gnawing,
Where visions collide
An insistence is pawing.

Alert to the call
I rotate an ear,
From under the pall
A snippet I hear,
The tiniest clue,
No more than a tinkling,
Light as the dew,
A fairy dust sprinkling.

God in His subtle,
Mysterious way,
Had deigned a rebuttal

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When a Sponsor/Sponsee Relationship Goes Bad

Everyone can benefit from a good Sponsor/Sponsee relationship. It can be invaluable to have a recovery buddy with whom you are accountable. There are many benefits of sponsorship. A sponsor/recovery buddy should be an emotional safe haven who provides support and guidance.

Some recovery relationships simply peter out because of family obligations, conflicting goals, stress at work or lack of shared values. Others might be destroyed by deceit or manipulation on the part of one or both parties.

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Balancing Priorities in Marriage

Question:I badly need help. My husband is not the same person I knew 10 years back. We have two children and he works up to late everyday, I have tried to check several times whether he is in office and indeed he is always there. He has no time for me or the children, he gets irritated over small issues, does not want to help in the house the few hours he’s available, we don’t have holidays as a family, he never gives anything to my parent, never calls any of my relatives, his friends send messages calling me all sorts of names, does not buy me anything, does not have time to pray with the family. What can I do?

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Denial Needs to Go

Denial is actually a defense mechanism implemented to protect us, to keep the mind solvent in lieu of perceived danger. It’s a form of personalized reframing, neuro-linguistic manipulation meant to increase survivability. Yet many of us turn it into a catalyst which allows us to continue our voluntary journey into perdition.

Denial is the ability to lie to one’s self in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It is the ability to delude one’s self with reasonable to superb success. Only when denial diminishes does character take root.

And, once again, character is identified and maintained by one’s personal beliefs.

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