Info & Help

Stormy Seas of Porn Addiction

written by a Porn Addict

Porn addiction is not temporary, marriage will not solve it. You cannot control a porn addiction! The addiction controls you! You can know your future (suspicion and investigations) and still not stop. There is nothing you can do. Only something that someone else (God) can do in you. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of beating this addiction on your own. You need the Trinity and you need the support of family and friends.

In my estimation, porn addiction can be likened to a trip that you think is going to start out as an innocent day trip of excitement and relaxation.

Let me see if I can explain it in a way that isn’t too confusing.

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Answering The Skeptics About God’s Existence

Is Jesus God?
As a believer have you ever been confronted with someone who is skeptical that Jesus Christ exists or that He is the Savior of the world? How about those logical, intellectual folks that like to downplay creation for evolution? Have you ever heard the one about how people evolved from oysters?

I don’t know about you, but I have a bit more faith than that. Do you realize how long it would take for a human to evolve from an oyster? More than the billions of years that they like to say the earth is old. Scientific evidence has yet to prove God does NOT exist. So the evolutionists and the creationists are in the same boat – still waiting for proof to disbelieve the other.

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How Health Affects Marriage

Did you know that the better you feel about your life, the better spouse you will be. The best way to be a good spouse is to take care of YOU first. You are your best friend when it comes to your health and emotional well-being–physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Are you taking care of you? Last week I talked to several different women who were experiencing health difficulties like bipolar syndrome, addiction, diabetes, and heart problems.

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To the Family: Rebuilding Relationships after Addiction

Psalms 23:6 KJV
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Recovery from addiction and alcoholism provides many rewards and gifts that help you on the spiritual journey through the good and bad times you will encounter living life on life’s terms. Nobody said the road would be easy so you we have to remember that God does not give you more than you can manage. Put your trust in God and God will take care of you.

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Coasting – The Importance of Rest

If you’re coasting, you’re either losing momentum or else you’re headed downhill.

I suppose that’s true.

Cyclists don’t get stronger or faster by coasting. The only way to increase performance is to pedal as hard as possible, even on downhill stretches. When you coast, you don’t improve.

But I don’t think coasting is always negative. I think we’re making a mistake to always equate coasting with laziness and waste.

We can get awfully focused on productivity and efficiency, working hard, maximizing potential gains. Nothing wrong with that.

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Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.

Really? I think that innocent childhood adage should be revised. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words … can break my heart. Broken bones will mend, but surgery can’t heal a broken heart.

This week I’ve been thinking about criticism. I’ve discussed Criticism vs Feedback and Keys to Responding To Criticism. One additional thought seems crucial to the basic premise of SetFreeToday.

You might guess that an event in my own life has prompted this analysis, and you’d be correct. I’ve been watching someone close to me in a wrestling match with criticism disguised as feedback.

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Married to an Alcoholic? 7 Steps to Helping Them Get Sober

Are you married to an alcoholic? Is your husband/wife a different person when they drink? Are you tired of the Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde Behavior? Are you at your wits end and just can’t take it anymore? What can you do?

1. Stop trying to get your spouse to stop drinking.
No matter how much you nag and complain at them to stop drinking, it is not going to do a bit of good. What will is taking care of you. I know, it sounds backwards, but when you’re emotionally stressed out, it will be more difficult to help your loved one. You have no verbal power over the alcoholic. What you do have control over is your actions. What you do and say to the alcoholic will have a direct affect on whether or not they will continue drinking or not.

2. Detach with love.

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