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The School of Pain

Everyone has sorrow. Being a Christian does not exempt anyone from grief. But faith in Christ brings a transformation of sorrow. Not only are we taught to endure the sorrows that come to us patiently and submissively–but we are assured that there is a blessing in them for us, if we accept them with love and trust.

One of the deepest truths taught in the Bible–is that earthly sorrow has a mission in the sanctifying of life.

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Twelve Steps to Power

Note: This is one of Sam Shoemaker’s most helpful articles which shows how “the program” so effective for alcoholics can work for all of us.

One of the most remarkable phenomena of our time is the growth of the movement called Alcoholics Anonymous. My interest in it is personal as well as objective, for the men who set it in motion first found the spiritual experience which changed their lives in my own church, though the first actual group of Alcoholics Anonymous was formed in Akron, Ohio.

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Grace and Guilt: God’s Invitation to Break Free of Regret – Workshop Transcript

29:02 Obie-host Welcome to CIR’s Workshop “Grace and Guilt: God’s Invitation to Break Free of Regret”
29:12 Obie-host Our presenter this evening is Rich Dixon. Rich’s web site is:
29:22 Obie-host He authors many articles and Blog entries for Christians in Recovery.
29:37 Obie-host We strongly suggest you get a copy of his latest book “Relentless Grace”
29:44 Obie-host
29:55 Obie-host It is a true story which vividly details his own struggle with tragic injury and hopelessness.
30:04 Obie-host Relentless Grace reminds readers that only God can heal and change people.
30:15 Obie-host The book is about God, forgiveness, and about promises made and kept even in the midst of grief and loss.

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Holiday Cheers

Psalms 119:117 KJV
Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually.

It’s almost here! That time of year when drinking and eating just about anything and everything you can is the rule rather than the exception. The risk for relapse is extremely high, it’s holiday season. Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Christmas, Chinese New Year and other ritualistic celebrations that seem to justify drinking in excess and using drugs for some people are coming. The holiday season is the perfect time to jeopardize your program if you are not careful.

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Choosing To Work On Your Marriage

When marriage troubles come butting their ugly little heads in your marriage, you can choose to persevere and work through those troubles, or you can give up and become another divorce statistic. Why not choose the best and most beneficial option for you and your spouse and work on the issues that are affecting your marriage? God would be pleased with your decision.

It takes a lot of faith not just in God but in yourself as a person to want to work on a marriage you know that you could just as easily walk away from. Some people walk away from their marriages, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Is there a potential within your character that gives you the perseverance to want to put forth the needed effort that your marriage needs?

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Is Flirting and Looking The Same As Cheating?

Don’t tell me you have never looked? Don’t tell me you have never flirted? We’re so busy trying to find out if our spouse is cheating that we haven’t taken the time to even look at our own behavior? Perhaps we have rejected our spouse sexually over and over again. Or maybe we have treated them with disrespect and contempt. Or could it be we have cheated ourselves – if we are suspicious of our spouse, maybe it’s because we don’t trust ourselves.

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Adultery is Forgivable

First of all let me say this, I don’t condone adultery. And just because it is forgivable by God, if a spouse repents and turns from their sin, doesn’t make it justifiable in any way shape or form. Infidelity always hurts someone and causes much unneeded animosity between couples. It’s best to be healthy minded spiritually and mentally so you won’t be tempted by lustful desires in the first place. But unfortunately many Christians today are not keeping as spiritually fit as they should.

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