12 Steps

The Nature and Basis of Assurance

At the commencement of Matthew 5 we find the Lord Jesus pronouncing blessed a certain class of people. They are not named as “believers” or saints,” but instead are described by their characters; and it is only by comparing ourselves and others with the description that the Lord Jesus there gave, that we are enabled to identify such. First, He said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” To be “poor in spirit” is to have a feeling sense that in me, that is, in my flesh, “there dwelleth no good thing” (Rom. 7:18). It is the realization that 1 am utterly destitute of anything and everything which could commend me favorably to God’s notice. It is to recognize that I am a spiritual bankrupt.

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A Right Heart

1) A right heart is a NEW heart (Ezek. 36:26). It is not the heart with which a person is born—but another heart put in them by the Holy Spirit. It is a heart which has new tastes, new joys, new sorrows, new desires, new hopes, new fears, new likes, new dislikes. It has new views about the soul, sin, God, Christ, salvation, the Bible, prayer, heaven, hell, the world, and holiness. It is like a farm with a new and good tenant. “Old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).

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You Believe in God but Do You Really Trust Him?

2 Corinthians 1:9-10 NRSV
Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death so that we would rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He who rescued us from so deadly a peril will continue to rescue us; on him we have set our hope that he will rescue us again.

I’ve always believed in God, believed that He exists, that He gave us His Word, that He desires to be interactively involved with me.

I have not always trusted Him.

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Recovery Acronyms

These acronyms help us all to remember important concepts in recovery. They can be a valuable tool to keep us sane, sober and on track.

[I’m] Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional

Face Everything And Recover


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Scriptures for Strength in Eating Disorder (and all kinds) of Recovery

If you are in eating disorder recovery, you know what a tough battle it is. There are times that you may even feel it’s impossible to find the strength you need. But if you look to the Bible, you can find strength right at your fingertips. God’s word can give you the strength and power you need to move forward in your recovery.

Psalm 121:1,2 is a great place to start when looking for Bible passages that offer strength. I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

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Scriptures for Resisting Behaviors

Could you use some help in warding off a binge, resisting restricting your food intake or stopping yourself from over-exercising? Does resisting eating disorder behaviors seem impossible sometimes? The good news is that divine help is available. God wants you to be free of your eating disorder, so you can go to His Word for help in resisting behaviors.

If you are hesitant to ask God for help because of the guilt and shame you feel over the behaviors you practice, please don’t let that stop you. Your not asking for His help is not going to stop Him from knowing about your behaviors. And remember that He is on your side. He wants you to be closer to Him, and He also wants to help set you free of your eating disorder.

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Affliction Prepared For and Improved

“It was good for me to be afflicted–so that I might learn your decrees.” Psalm 119:71

As it is the duty of God’s children to prepare for affliction before it comes; so it is also their duty to improve affliction when it does come.

If we do not prepare for affliction–we shall be surprised by it;
and, if we do not improve it–we are likely to increase it.

He who would prepare for affliction, must beforehand:
(1.) resign all to God,
(2.) strengthen his graces,
(3.) store up divine promises,
(4.) and search out secret sins.

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The End of Toxic Pride

I’ve fed on pods, I must confess,
Out in the field, when hunger pressed,
What’s meant for swine I’ve feasted on,
Midst dung I dined, my gusto gone.

I took my fill of stagnant swill,
Ingested things that might have killed,
I found myself in distant land
Fresh out of luck, life out of hand.

There should have been an ending there
In blending with the empty stares
But something woke and pushed aside
The prison of my toxic pride.

When given strength to journey back
I found the fruit I sorely lacked,
The wine that’s poured from royal blood,
A Father’s feast, prepared in love.

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