
Do I need to set limits with my child?

Do I need to set limits with my child?

Yes. They need those fences. They need to know the difference between right and wrong. This shows them that you care. Children who are not looked after by their parents, those who roam free, tend not to have any morals or convictions when dealing with right or wrong. They cannot cope in the real world.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).

Do I need to set limits with my child? Read More »

Survival from Life’s Tragedies and Abuses Workshop – Transcript

note: Members can discuss this workshop in the Message Boards HERE

Welcome to the latest CIR Workshop: Survival from Life’s Tragedies and Abuses.

Each month CIR has a live workshop and discussion with a published author or expert in the Christian recovery field. The sessions are approximately one hour long: 1st part of the session the guest speaker will presents a premise or principles of their work and the 2nd part of the session you get a chance to ask questions and get answers with emphasis on life application in recovery.

Tonight our guest speaker is Jan Coates. She is the author of

Survival from Life’s Tragedies and Abuses Workshop – Transcript Read More »

Second Chance: Biblical Principles of Divorce and Remarriage

Book Description
One out of every two marriages in the United States now ends in divorce. Almost half of the children born today will be living in a broken home before they reach the age of eighteen. Forty million Americans have been married more than once, and the number keep increasing. This trend has now touched every sector of our society – including the Church. (click on link below to view)

Second Chance: Biblical Principles of Divorce and Remarriage Read More »