Why Bother Helping People Who Hurt You: Puppies & Porcupines
Yesterday I asked How Do You Help An Injured Porcupine? Today I’m thinking of a different question:
Why bother?
Ever cuddle a puppy? They curl up in your lap and lick your face. Everything about a puppy is somehow warm and soft and fuzzy.
Cuddling a puppy is fun and rewarding. Puppies do cute stuff—even their mischief elicits smiles. They appreciate and respond to kindness. They trust. If you get angry they forgive.
Even non-dog-lovers have a soft spot for puppies. If hurting people were like puppies, helping them would be easy. Folks would line up for the opportunity.
Why Bother Helping People Who Hurt You: Puppies & Porcupines Read More »