
Denial Needs to Go

Denial is actually a defense mechanism implemented to protect us, to keep the mind solvent in lieu of perceived danger. It’s a form of personalized reframing, neuro-linguistic manipulation meant to increase survivability. Yet many of us turn it into a catalyst which allows us to continue our voluntary journey into perdition.

Denial is the ability to lie to one’s self in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It is the ability to delude one’s self with reasonable to superb success. Only when denial diminishes does character take root.

And, once again, character is identified and maintained by one’s personal beliefs.

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Finding Work after Recovery

When you begin to make serious permanent life changes, and you have been unemployed, look for work that will honor you as you honor work. When you do the kind of work that you have a passion for, it starts with working on yourself. You have the capacity to get a good job. So many people in early recovery will just settle for any type of work because they are thinking through the filter of negative thinking. It is true that you might have to work because of a court or other legal mandate. Whether you are in that situation or not, you can still find work that has longevity and brings you great pleasure and satisfaction.

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12 Señales de un Despertar Espiritual

( Fuente Desconocida )

1. Un aumento en la tendencia de dejar que las cosas ocurran en lugar de causarlas.

2. Ataques frecuentes de Sonreír.

3. Sentimientos de estar conectados con otros y con la naturaleza.

4. Frecuentes y sobrecogedores episodios de apreciación.

5. Una tendencia a pensar y actuar espontáneamente en lugar de actuar basados en miedos causados por experiencias pasadas.

6. Una habilidad inequívoca de disfrutar cada momento.

7. Una pérdida de habilidad para preocuparse.

8. Una pérdida de interés en los conflictos.

9. Una pérdida de interés en evaluar las acciones de otros.

10. Una pérdida de interés en juzgar a otros.

11. Una pérdida de interés en juzgarte a ti mismo.

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Applying “Old School” A.A. in Today’s 12-Step Fellowships

What the First, Original, Akron A.A. Program Was and Did

The way the first three AAs-Bill W., Dr. Bob, Bill D.-got sober before there was a “Big Book.” See The Dick B. Christian Recovery Guide, 3rd ed., 2010, pp. 57-59.

    1. There were no Steps;

    2. There were no Traditions;

    3. There was no “Big Book”;

    4. There were no “drunkalogs” (of the kind seen today); and

    5. There were no meetings (of the kinds seen today).

Instead, each of the first three AAs:

    1. believed in God;

    2. was a Christian;

    3. asked God for deliverance; and

    4. received the requested deliverance from God.

The Summary by Frank Amos, Published in DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers, page 131.

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“Rebuilding Relationships in Recovery” – Workshop Transcript

note: You may discuss this workshop in the Message Boards HERE

Obie-Host Welcome to the “Rebuilding Relationships in Recovery” Workshop
Please join me in welcoming Chaplain Michael Clark who will be leading the workshop. He is involved with Shadows of the Cross Ministries as well as Prison and Recovery Ministry. Chaplain Clark is a noted Speaker and Writer, Addiction Counselor/Professional as well as a Recovery Support Specialist. He will speak for several minutes after which we will open the floor for questions and comments from you for Chaplain Clark.

Let us open in prayer this evening.

Heavenly Father,
We ask Your blessings upon Chaplain Clark as he leads this workshop today.

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Early Recovery: Getting on Track

Early recovery is a rough time because so many things going on at the same time. Your body is in withdrawal from years of chemical and alcohol abuse, your feelings start to rebound and you might have to deal with family and other issues that were put on hold all of the time that you were lost in the insanity of the disease of addiction and alcoholism.

Many things are going on at the same time and it seems impossible to juggle everything and plus take time to focus on health or nutrition. Who wants to spend even 5 minutes using cleansers or eating right when the best thing that you might be able to manage all day is just getting some fast food and a pack of cigarettes.

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Healing Your Body after Addiction

When the addiction stops and the body starts to heal, there is the underlying issue of what has the addiction cost? Everybody is familiar with the exercise where you put down on paper how much financial wreckage there is that you have to deal with, but I am not talking about that.

This is a discussion about the wreckage of your body. That’s right the wreckage of you. Skin care and skin health have usually been compromised to the point where many people have scars and other telltale signs that remind them of how bad it really was.

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Are the 12 Steps the Only Way?

Is it acceptable to have or receive a different approach than following the traditional Twelve Steps only?

In Christians in Recovery, the 12 Steps are only some of the tools available to those seeking recovery. The Bible and Biblical principles come first and foremost. CIR is not AA. Our Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty are our “Higher Power.” The Bible is our handbook. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and our Guide.

The 12 Steps are just tools. They work for some people and other people simply have no use for them. That is fine. If they work for you, by all means use them. Many people find the 12 Steps bring them into a closer relationship with God.

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