
A Biblical Look at Temptation

I. What Temptation Is

    A. Something that tempts or entices

      1. James 1: 14 – When we are drawn away from by own lusts

    B. A spiritual test

      1. James 1 :2 – Count it joy when you have temptations
      2. James 1:3 – Trying of faith works patience

II. What Temptation Is Not

    A. Not sin
    B. Not from God

III. Who is the Tempter

    A. He is …

      1. Matthew 4: 1 – The Devil
      2. I Peter 5:8 -Adversary, the devil
      3. II Corinthians 11: 14 – Satan transformed into an angel of light
      4. Revelation 12:10 – Accuser of the brethren

    B. What he does …

      1. Revelation 12: 1 0 – Accuses
      2. Genesis 3:1 – Is subtle
      3. Genesis 3:1,4 – Liar and deceiver (“Hath God said, Ye shall not surely die?”)

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Four Questions For Broken People

The ultimate measure of a person is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where one stands in times of challenge and controversy. ~Martin Luther King

Have you ever thought you were too weak to help?

It’s easy to imagine someone who’s better qualified, tempting to believe that your personal failures render you useless. We all want to conceal our dirty laundry, but followers of Christ must remember that we’re called to serve where we are and to offer ourselves in that service. We’re all gifted so we can offer those gifts in service to others.

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Making the Change from Compliance to Surrender

…the person who has achieved the positive frame of mind, has lost his tense, aggressive, demanding, conscience-ridden self, which feels isolated and at odds with world and has become a relaxed, natural and more realistic individual who can dwell in the world on a “live and let live basis”…surrender is an unconscious event, not willed[1]
The Act of Surrender in the Therapeutic Process by Harry M. Tiebout, M.D., The National Council of Alcoholism 1949

The Bible tells us in many different ways that we must surrender our old ways in our walk with God so we can have peace and happiness.

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What Kind of Tomorrow Are You Seeking?

1 Peter 1:3-5
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”

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Where Do Your Treasures Lie?

What is God’s will for our lives? God’s purpose for our lives should always take a precedent over our own desires, and that includes all aspects of our marriage, work, career, family, and play. If we are not sure if we are doing the will of God, then we need to carefully consider our actions and pray about it. I know it is difficult to make God first in our lives, but He has shown us how to give Him first place in our hearts.

So do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” Or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:31 NIV)

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Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

I know of two couples personally who got married at a young age and then went through tremendous trials and troubles in their marriage, and for one reason or another they ended up divorcing. After a time, and finding their way in life, after even more trials, they ended up remarrying each other again.

Remarriage to the man or woman you first married is more prevalent than you would think. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to have the knowledge beforehand of knowing you will remarry your spouse, so you could skip the divorce part of it, work on the marriage and stay married?

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Married to an Alcoholic? 7 Steps to Helping Them Get Sober

Are you married to an alcoholic? Is your husband/wife a different person when they drink? Are you tired of the Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde Behavior? Are you at your wits end and just can’t take it anymore? What can you do?

1. Stop trying to get your spouse to stop drinking.
No matter how much you nag and complain at them to stop drinking, it is not going to do a bit of good. What will is taking care of you. I know, it sounds backwards, but when you’re emotionally stressed out, it will be more difficult to help your loved one. You have no verbal power over the alcoholic. What you do have control over is your actions. What you do and say to the alcoholic will have a direct affect on whether or not they will continue drinking or not.

2. Detach with love.

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