I had been saved and baptized at the age of 13. I was pulled away from my relationship I had with Jesus because of lack of knowledge, sin and not keeping up with prayer and reading my Bible. I had been involved with a couple of seances and Ouija boards with some friends even though I hadn’t believed in them or worshiped that kind of thing. I only did it to go along with my friends and actually thought it was all rigged. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening! Shortly after I had been saved I had been visited by satan in my bedroom. I believe that night his demons had attached themselves to me because within a short period of time after that night there was such a sudden change in my behaviour and moods that it was thought that there was something medically wrong.
For the next 22 years I was trapped in the mental health system with various different diagnoses and had been put on several different medications. I had spent more time in hospitals and group homes than I did out of them. My life was seemingly hopeless. I thank God that through those 22 years of living hell so to speak that Jesus showed Himself to me every single time that I felt like totally giving up. I can’t count the times that Jesus had saved me from death. I heard from the doctors numerous times say that it was a miracle that I was alive.
The fact of the matter is that Jesus promises to take care of His own, and even when we turn our backs on Him He promises to never leave us or forsake us. I went through 22 years of misery because of the choices I made once I was saved but finally I decided to turn to the One who I knew was able to do everything because of the way He always made Himself known to me, and I asked Him to heal me of this mental illness and of two other medical problems I had and to bring me back to the place where Jesus was the love of my life.
Two weeks after I prayed an old friend called me who once had told me that she sold her soul to satan. She began to tell me of how Jesus had delivered her from being possessed by evil spirits and she and her husband invited me up to their church to be prayed over. At first I made up these excuses because I wasn’t too sure about these “Holy roller” Churches. Thank God there are people that persist and don’t give up asking too quickly. I finally was drawn up by the Holy Spirit about 2 weeks later and that night I was set free from oppression of evil spirits and was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus has faithfully answered my prayer and brought me back to that place of where He was the love of my life and my everything. When people who used to know me see me now they usually can’t say anything except for “wow”. The Lord has performed a miracle and I thank God He never gave up on me. I thank Him for His mercy and His forgiveness. I thank Him for giving me another start. From this point on I have the choice of what to do with what He’s given me. I can do like I did the last time and fall away bringing death upon myself, or, I can follow Him no matter what the cost and have life and have it abundantly both here on earth and in eternity with my Lord! I choose life!
Remember…Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4… if you’re a believer in Christ.. that means that Jesus in you is bigger than anyone or anything else in this world..and He will triumph! I encourage you to surrender everything to Him and I know for a fact He will do what He promises which is to guide you, protect you, keep you, bless you, and so much more. There is a scripture that says… the enemy seeks to kill, rob and destroy… Jesus has come to give life and give it more abundantly. I know for a fact that choosing life is so much better than choosing death. Choose this day who you will serve.
~ Tammy