I recall hearing from a wise mentor once that, the definition of insanity was… “repeatedly doing the same thing the same way, whilst also expecting a different outcome.” Duh! For me, that was also a good definition of stuborness or willfulness. ROTF
C.onscious approach to daily living
H.opeful that the future is bright
A.cceptance of transitory nature of life
N.on-attachment and non-addiction leads to serenity
G.iving control over to a higher power.
E.xpecting only the best.
1. One of the most useful personal management skills today is that of managing personal change. In times of turbulence, many people are feeling scared and frustrated about their lives for a number of reasons.
2. We live in turbulent times no doubt, which makes managing change an important skill in today’s age. It takes knowledge and Work to be able to adapt to changes in life so you can stop worrying and start living more of your life.
3. Virginia Satir, a pioneer of family therapy, developed a Model of how individuals experience Change. The Satir Change Model says that as we cope with unexpected or significant Change, we predictably move through four stages: Late Status Quo, Chaos, Practice and Integration, and New Status Quo.
4. A lot of people don’t have goals other than working, errands, household chores and relaxing with family and friends. Of course there is nothing wrong with doing these things. If you are perfectly content with the structure and current direction of your Life, then don’t Change a thing.
5. It’s not enough that we have to deal with the normal Personal changes that we all go through in life, but these days we also have broader issues to contend with such as the global economy, the domestic economy (job loss, company closures), the environment, technology, and changing cultural values.
6. Like good strategic thinkers, those who accept and manage Personal Change well are those who are clear about what they want. They are quick to decide what they cannot Change, and to put it to one side. They are also effective in taking the necessary steps towards Change and taking control of those elements that they can Change.
7. As humans we constantly go through change — we grow up, we get married, we have children,
we move, we change jobs, we get sick, we experience natural disasters, close friends and family pass away – it’s just life! Most of us go through these changes without thinking about “managing them.” But there are ways in which we can help ourselves through change.
8. Our inner map applies a whole range of filters related to the profile and characteristics of our environmental background. We develop our own personal beliefs that are based on this inner map of reality, to navigate us through life and primarily to keep us safe. For most of us, most of the time, this is largely an unconscious process.
9. What are the common reactions to change?
DENIAL: We work as usual and see to our activities as if nothing had changed, and as if nothing will change.We refuse to come to grips with the change. But denying change can only work for a short time. However, prolonged denial will prevent us from facing up to your feelings and reactions to the change. Denial, in the long run, hampers the natural evolution of the change process.
RESISTANCE: We harness only the negative aspects,whether personal or organizational , of the change. Depending on our personality, we express ourself with anger and frustration, with active resistance, with depression, inaction or sabotage.
We are determined to favor tried methods over new ways of doing things. We often need time, attention, ample communication and help, in order to put aside the old and embrace the new.
10. Here are some guidelines for effective management of change.
Managing change will be more successful if we apply these simple principles. Achieving personal change will be more successful too. Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes.
11. If we force change on people normally problems arise.
Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable.
12. Before starting the process of change
Ask yourself:
- *What do we want to achieve with this change?
*Why, and how will we know that the change has been achieved?
*Who is affected by this change, and
*How will they react to it?
*How much of this change can we achieve ourselves? and
*What parts of the change do we need help with?
13. First, Change management itself could follow a process that parallels the process of change associated with a project or initiative.
Prosci’s 3-Phase process for change management lays out specific activities for:
A. – Preparing for change (occurring during the
Current State),
B. – Managing change (occurring during the
Transition State) and
C. – Reinforcing change (occurring during the
Future State).
Research into personal change effectively has also identified five attributes – engaging, exploring, experimenting, positive attitude and self-belief.
14. Secondly, use it to show empathy and to communicate to people going through Change that getting stuck in the negative red emotions on the Change Curve (or in feeling a victim) will, in the longer run, be self-hurting.
15. In conclusion, it seems obvious that every individual should embrace changes since they bring long term benefits. But in reality, people are resistant changes.
Why? It seems that people like the comfort of known. The new and unknown brings uncertainty.
16. On the other hand, every new situation requires certain learning and accommodation to new rules. This effort and fear of unknown makes people to be instinctively resistant to changes, despite the fact that consciously they understand that this change may bring benefits to them.
17. Learning to use one’s Personal Power to influence outcomes takes on new meaning in a time where information overload is ever present. This places new burdens on each of us to exercise our abilities to influence others about what matters most.