Millions are sick and dying of alcoholism and drug addiction, and many of them fail to realize the healing power that comes through the son of the living God.
As all Christians know, the way back to God is through the lamb, Jesus Christ. It is not an intellectual way. Nor is it a moral way.
You cannot think your way back because human thought will not coordinate with divine thought.
You cannot worship your way back because man is essentially a spiritual rebel from God’s will.
You cannot moralize your way back because human character is prone to sin naturally.
Jesus said, “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
In a nutshell, Jesus demanded conversion. There are many people who confuse conversion with the laws of Moses. These laws, the Ten Commandments, are set forth in specific terms, and were never offered as a cure for the world’s illnesses (including addiction). They were given as more of a diagnosis that outlines the reason for our troubles, not the cure. It is impossible to be converted by the keeping of the law. The Bible says, “By the law is the knowledge of sin.” The law is a mirror of morality that condemns but does not convert.
As alcoholics and addicts, let’s examine the motives for why we need a conversion through Christ – to repair our sobriety, our desire to be drug free, our sanity, and our lives is obviously the answer to that question.
Actually, the word conversion means “to turn around”, “to change one’s mind”, or “to turn back”. In the realm of religion, it can mean “to be regenerated”, “to receive grace”, and “to gain assurance”.
Conversion can take many forms. The way it is accomplished depends largely upon the individual’s temperament, emotional balance, environment, and that person’s previous way of life. Conversion may follow a personal crisis, a loss of former values, an experience of great disappointment, or a loss of one’s affections. A loss of one’s self due to substance abuse is certainly on the list.
When I was in active addiction, without realizing it, my drug was the one thing that gave my life meaning. My conversion came about when my substance abuse dished out a major dose of devastating loss in many areas of my life. I do not remember the exact moment of my conversion, but I am sure there was such a moment. Conversion can be an instantaneous event; or it can be a gradual change that unfolds over time. For me, it was the latter; and believe me, I was glad to be rid of the Jackal, my drug of choice.
True conversion will involve a change in your life. If your life does not conform with your efforts, then you have every reason to doubt your experience. To be truly converted, the change must be total and unconditional involving your total mind, affections, emotions, and will. You actually become a new moral creature with an implantation of divine nature (with Jesus Christ healing you of your addiction as he takes up residence within you).
It was approximately two thousand years ago when people searched the lands for the healing touch of Jesus Christ, and he never questioned them about how they became sick. He came for the sick, not the healthy. Jesus used many different methods of healing. He never sent the sick away because of their mistakes, nor did he prescreen individuals. He did not have to ask questions for he knew their hearts – and they needed His healing touch.
There is a destruction loose in our world today. It has been here since the first grape was fermented. Millions are sick and dying of alcoholism and drug addiction, and many of them fail to realize the healing power that comes through the son of the living God. Many of them will become ill and die in the years to come. When substance abuse first came onto the world scene, many wanted to stigmatize it as a mental, emotional, or social problem – not much to worry about. We now know it’s a new plague.
I’m not saying that everyone with a substance abuse problem should convert to Christianity to be saved from a life of drugs and alcohol. What I am saying is that it helped me in my struggles and you should try it.