
Teach Me to Pray

“Lord, teach us to pray!” Luke 11:1

A little child missed her mother at a certain time every day. The mother’s habit was to slip away upstairs alone, and to be gone for some time. The child noticed that the mother was always gentler, quieter and sweeter after she came back. Her face had lost its weary look–and was shining! Her voice was gladder, more cheerful.

“Where do you go, mother,” the child said thoughtfully, “when you leave us every day?”

“I go upstairs to my room,” said the mother.

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Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart

Psalm 119:11 says, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. How can we hide God’s Word in our heart? I memorize Scripture to hide it in mine.

Some people insist they are too old to memorize God’s Word. They say they could when they were younger but not any more. Our memory may not function as quickly as it did when we were younger, but it still functions.

Several steps for Scripture memory have worked for me. Here are a few of them:

  • Write the verse on Post-um notes and put it on your refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car, and on your desk.
  • Write the passage on a 3 x 5 inch lined card in a mini spiral notebook.
  • Set a timer on the hour and recite the verse to yourself.

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Acronyms for Prayer

Acronyms can help when we feel we do not know how to pray. Write your favorites inside the cover of your Bible so they are handy. Here are some suggestions:

What is prayer?
PRAYERPositive Reassuring Action Yielding Eternal Results

How to remember types of prayer:
ACTSAdoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication

PRAYPraise, Repentance, Asking for others and asking for Yourself

PRAYPraise Repent Ask and Yield

Do you know of any others? If so, submit them! We would love to hear from you.

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Prayer is Like Breathing

    “Praying is like breathing; it is part of the Christian’s life and basic to it. It is more than formal prayer, important as that is. It is a continual openness to God in all our being. Instead of talking to ourselves as we go through the day, we talk to God, sentence prayers, momentary calls for help, grace, or strength, quick words of thanks, or expressions of need, all this and more. Such constant sentence praying gives us the greatest freedom and advantage in prayer, because it is the practice of the presence of God, of our awareness of it. Its greatest reward is the growing awareness that God is closer to us than we are to ourselves. (Systematic Theology, p. 7204)

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Prayer and Recovery

Intercession might be defined as love on its knees in prayer for others. It is pleading to Father God on behalf of the needs of someone else. Another way of looking at intercession is that you are standing in the gap for someone else. That is, you are identifying with the sins of those you are in prayer for, asking God’s forgiveness and mercy on their behalf.

Intercession can be one of the most exciting, creative and rewarding experiences in your Christian life. In your prayer closet, you can pray
around the world. Although intercessors are not often publicly rewarded or recognized for their service, they are a vital part of any growing church or ministry. Their faithful dedication to intercession creates a foundation that allows the Lord to work in mighty ways.

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