Info & Help

When a Spouse Says They Are Not “In Love” with You Anymore

The truth is ALL marriages go through a period of time, usually after a year or two of marriage where the feelings of love seem to be lost…but it is not love that is lost but those giddy feelings that a person has when they experience a new relationship. Love can’t be lost because love is not a feeling but something you do! When a husband says he lost love for his wife, he means to say, “I want that feeling back so I can love my wife”. Couples BASE their marriage on how they feel rather than principled acts of love.

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The 3 Biggest Secrets For Staying Married For Life

Managing your marriage doesn’t have to be difficult. It takes a few initiatives on your part to get yourself into the proper prospective of how marriage really works. Marriage is about living your purpose and attaining your goals that are related to that purpose.

1. Marriage Takes Team Players

Marriage takes team players working together to accomplish the same objectives. It doesn’t matter what those goals are, but what does matter is how you play the game. For an example, a wife should not go her own way, and not consider her husband and the husband should not go his own way without considering his wife. What is that anyway? That’s not the intention of Gods design for marriage. I think that’s downright selfishness.

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Have You Really Fallen Out of Love With Your Spouse?

Why do we use the words, “fall in love” or “fall out of love”? What does it really mean to be “in love” with someone? First of all, understand that you cannot fall “in love” or fall “out of love”. Love just becomes what it is when two people spend a lot of time together and get to know each other.

Marriage thrives on intimacy and closeness with one another and when that declines or discontinues couples feel they are no longer “in love” with their spouse, even though they still care for and love their spouse. So what does that mean? It means they are confused about what love really is.

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Healing Alcoholism

To everyone, who is afflicted by the insidiousness of alcohol. Please share this important information with the alcoholic you love and work together to overcome addiction to alcohol. Addiction is a family affair and that means the whole family should be involved in the process of its healing in all areas, physical, emotional and spiritual.

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Perseverance in Christian Eating Disorder Recovery

Does perseverance in your eating disorder recovery seem impossible? Are you often tempted to give up? Do you grow weary of the ups and downs of the recovery process?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please know that many others have walked and do walk in your shoes. Eating disorder recovery is challenging, and it can take a toll on us. I know it did on me. I felt like I was running a race, and yet I felt so tired and like my legs were cramping up. I couldn’t imagine crossing the finish line. There can be many weary moments in eating disorder recovery. However, that does not mean that it isn’t possible. Perseverance really can be a reality.

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Scriptural Prayers for Those with Eating Disorders

Do you sometimes struggle to know how to pray about your eating disorder recovery? Do words simply escape you sometimes? If so, it’s okay. But please know that you can always start by just picturing yourself with Him and coming into His presence. Plus, you can always pray Scriptures. Maybe you would like to highlight some scriptural prayers in your Bible or even write down some of them so you can have them with you.

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The Best is Yet to Come

“Now he is comforted!” Luke 16:25

Poor suffering Lazarus had little comfort on earth–but he has plenty in Heaven. The discomfort he suffered here–must make his comfort there tenfold more sweet!

As it was with him, so will it be with us–we shall not lack comfort for long. We have much to comfort us now, even in our worst seasons–but the best is yet to come! The God of all comfort, who sends down drops of comfort now–will soon call us up to enter into the torrents of the fullness of His joy forever! Weeping may endure for a night–but joy comes in the morning. Soon our sufferings and sorrows will be forever ended!

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What is Your “Bucket List?”

Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside,
redeeming the time.
Colossians 4:5 NKJV

“Bucket List” was a popular movie, and the term is now commonly recognized as containing the things people would like to do before they die. It’s actually an interesting concept because you can tell a lot about where a person is spiritually by what they have on their personal bucket list.

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