Info & Help

Fear: Flee, Freeze, Float or Flow


One of my first memories was eating from a tin Barnum Animals Crackers box, painted to resemble a cheerfully colored circus wagon. But that wagon was also a cage. The animals pictured on the outside of the box were majestic, wild, and untamed beasts. They were also behind bars. The cookies inside the box were shaped into believable copies of jungle animals. These were not comic Disney animals with smiling faces and human characteristics. These beasts were the real things. I remember a rhino, a lion, an elephant and a hippo, and they all looked the way wild animals should look. They were just like the animals I had seen at the Bronx Zoo.

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What’s Growing in the Garden of Your Heart?

Nothing tastes as good to me out of a garden as a tomato that has just been picked. I remember when I was young and living at home in Illinois, my Dad had planted a garden with tomatoes, green onions, bell peppers, cucumbers and other things which I can’t remember. When I ate one of those delicious tomatoes from the garden that he had just picked, it tasted so good. I would slice it and put a little sugar on it. However, there is another garden that has fruit which tastes a lot better to me and that is the garden of a Christian’s heart that has all of the fruits of the Spirit operating in his or her heart.

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Tears of Joy

This morning when I was at Wal-Mart, something wonderful and miraculous happened that brought tears of joy flowing down my cheeks. I could barely talk because I was so overwhelmed with the love that I saw that I was in awe. The past two weeks a lot of ants have gotten into my trailer. I have scrubbed everything where I saw them and yet some of them were still here last night.

As I went down the aisle this morning where the ant traps are displayed, I saw a little girl about seven or eight years old with a man who I assumed was her dad. Her dad was looking at some things and was getting frustrated and a little upset because he couldn’t find what he wanted. He looked like he was going to say something unkind any minute.

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Are You Stuck Wandering in the Wilderness?

…forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

With the observance of yet another Christmas soon to be a memory, I find myself looking forward to the year to come. Appropriately, I’ve been rereading the story of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt and their “wilderness wanderings” on the way to the Promised Land. The Scriptures tell us that everything recorded in the Old Testament is there for our learning, and the amazing story of the Exodus is no exception.

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Books to Help with Gambling Addiction

Hope and Help Booklets

Offer HOPE and practical HELP to implement this hope. Hope in the Bible is not wishful thinking. Hope in the Bible is a sure promise of what will be.

The Heart of Addiction

This book and accompanying workbook make the distinction between what the world terms a “disease” and what Scripture demonstrates is a life-dominating sin nature problem. You will find biblical tools to help you examine your heart’s motives at the root of your addiction or dysfunctional behavior.

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Amazing Thorn: How Sweet the Sound

A number of years ago, I was enlightened to the motivating factor, which transformed a tenant of a run down apartment into a successful businessman, with a vast empire of land holdings. He informed me that his first landlord made his life so miserable, that he vowed to himself to never rent another piece of property. Thus, began his prosperous career in the real estate business.

Where the average person would cower at this overbearing thorn in the flesh, this man possessed the fortitude to use the negative arrogance energy of his first and last landlord to propel him to top of the heap.

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