Frequently Asked Questions

I Confess My Sins. Why Don’t They Go Away?

It seems like I am always confessing my sins and yet they never go away. What am I doing wrong?

This is a really loaded question, especially since we are not perfect individuals and we are all sinners. We will always have sin in our life and we will sin. But this certainly doesn’t mean that some of us are not good people. It means that we don’t understand the logistics of sin and how it all works in our life.

I Confess My Sins. Why Don’t They Go Away? Read More »

Same Sex Attraction and Homosexuality: What’s the Difference?

Same sex attraction is just that, attraction to someone of the same sex.

Homosexuality is acting out sexually and physically with another person of the same sex. These are two very different things.

The media and those promoting homosexuality love to blur these definitions. We are told that if you are attracted to someone of the same sex that means you are automatically a homosexual or lesbian. And if you do not act out you are in denial. This is not true!

Same Sex Attraction and Homosexuality: What’s the Difference? Read More »

Married to an Alcoholic? 7 Steps to Helping Them Get Sober

Are you married to an alcoholic? Is your husband/wife a different person when they drink? Are you tired of the Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde Behavior? Are you at your wits end and just can’t take it anymore? What can you do?

1. Stop trying to get your spouse to stop drinking.
No matter how much you nag and complain at them to stop drinking, it is not going to do a bit of good. What will is taking care of you. I know, it sounds backwards, but when you’re emotionally stressed out, it will be more difficult to help your loved one. You have no verbal power over the alcoholic. What you do have control over is your actions. What you do and say to the alcoholic will have a direct affect on whether or not they will continue drinking or not.

2. Detach with love.

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