Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Theology of Recovery?

The primary distinctives that differentiate Christian Recovery from other approaches to life change lie in our approach to spirituality.

Here are some of the major theological tenants of the Christian approach to recovery.

  1. Recovery is truly Christian only if God is part of it.
    This God is not just a nebulous “Higher Power”, but rather is the Creator of the Universe Who has revealed Himself in the Bible. Additionally, this God is a loving God, who showed His love by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into this fallen world to save us. John 3:16
  2. The Word of God is the authoritative rule and guide for our recovery. We believe there is, indeed, some objective TRUTH in this world and that it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. Hebrews 4:12

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Am I a Sex Addict?

Questions to ask Yourself:

    1. Were you sexually abused as a child or adolescent?

    2. Have you regularly purchased sexually explicit magazines?

    3. Did your parents have trouble with sexual behavior?

    4. Are you often preoccupied with sexual thoughts?

    5. Do you believe that your sexual behavior is not normal?

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Self-Injury FAQ

What is Self-Injury? Are behaviors that alter the body’s appearance such as tatooing, drug use, body piercing, ritual mutilation, etc. SI? How does SI develop? What is the course of SI? Who typically takes part in SI? What ways do people SI? Why would anybody intentionally hurt themselves? What is the connection between Self-Injury and

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Codependency FAQ

What is Codependency?
There are probably as many definitions of codependency as there are people who consider themselves to be codependent. Basically, if you identify with the posts here, and with the info in the books found on the subject, you might consider yourself to be codependent.

In “Codependent No More,” Melody Beattie gives several definitions. She includes Earnie Larsen’s definition:

    “Those self-defeating, learned behaviors or character defects that result in a diminished capacity to initiate or to participate in loving relationships.”

Melody Beattie’s own definition is:

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Clutterers FAQ

Q: What is clutter?

A: “Clutter is anything we don’t need, want, or use that takes our time, energy or space, and destroys our serenity.

It can be outgrown clothes, obsolete paper….We may be selective in some areas, but not in others. Objects may be strewn about or wedged into drawers; neatly stacked or stowed in storage.” The Twelve Steps of Clutterers Anonymous, CLA WSO Literature Committee, approved February 1996.

Q: Is cluttering a real problem?

A: Anything that can get you evicted, get your children taken away from you, keep you from inviting people into your home, get you charged more by retailers and the tax authorities because you can’t find the paperwork needed to pay them on time, is a real problem.

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Sex, Love & Porn Addiction FAQ

Those who are dealing with Sex, Love & Porn Addiction (SLA) and/or Same Sex Attraction (SSA) often believe that God has abandoned them.

There is an incredible tug of war within. One side of the individual wants desperately to do God’s Will while the other side aches for intimacy. Inner turmoil reigns between passion and Godly living. It is easy to feel as if one is drowning in a sea of emotions and no help is on the horizon. It seems an endless struggle with no where to go for consolation and strength. One feels a victim of addiction and/or attraction. Frustration leads to feelings of futility. This futility kindles feelings of self-hatred and guilt as well as anger at God.

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