
The Super Highway of Porn Addiction

Are you looking for a thrill?

A superhighway!

I started out on the road of life like any other 17 year old. An older friend showed me a destination sign that said, “Penthouse”. I was rather excited. My adventure had started. I didn’t just want to drive to and from home, work and church. I wanted to drive clear across the country and even around the world. I wanted to experience a few worldly things. My journey lasted 30 years.

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Same Sex Attraction and Homosexuality: What’s the Difference?

Same sex attraction is just that, attraction to someone of the same sex.

Homosexuality is acting out sexually and physically with another person of the same sex. These are two very different things.

The media and those promoting homosexuality love to blur these definitions. We are told that if you are attracted to someone of the same sex that means you are automatically a homosexual or lesbian. And if you do not act out you are in denial. This is not true!

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“Satan’s Role in Addictions and Dysfunctional Behaviors” WorkshopTranscript – Part 1

note: Members can discuss this workshop in the Message Boards HERE

Obie-host Welcome to CIR’s Workshop:”Satan’s Role in Addictions and Dysfunctional Behaviors” This Workshop is presented by noted author Don Umphrey
The Workshop will be held Wednesdays September 9, 16, 23 30 9:30-11:00 PM Eastern Time
We strongly suggest you get a copy of his latest book Seeking Spiritual Clarity This will help you to get the most out of the workshop. We recommend this workshop for all aspects of recovery (not just addictions).
Let us open in prayer…..
Heavenly Father….
We thank You for our many blessings….

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Stormy Seas of Porn Addiction

written by a Porn Addict

Porn addiction is not temporary, marriage will not solve it. You cannot control a porn addiction! The addiction controls you! You can know your future (suspicion and investigations) and still not stop. There is nothing you can do. Only something that someone else (God) can do in you. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of beating this addiction on your own. You need the Trinity and you need the support of family and friends.

In my estimation, porn addiction can be likened to a trip that you think is going to start out as an innocent day trip of excitement and relaxation.

Let me see if I can explain it in a way that isn’t too confusing.

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The Science of Sex

by Marcia Segelstein

Thanks to medical science, we now know that smoking cigarettes is unhealthy. It can lead to diseases like emphysema and lung cancer, and increase the risks of heart disease and stroke. So we have acted swiftly on that information. In one generation, our attitude about smoking has undergone a remarkable transformation. Where smoking was once commonplace, and homes everywhere had ashtrays, even if only for visiting smokers, today it’s almost shocking to see someone light up. Banned from airplanes, offices and many restaurants, smoking – and smokers – are viewed with a kind of disdain at worst, pity at best. TV shows and movies rarely show people smoking, except when they’re villains. The

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Love and Respect

Every now and then, I have a recurring dream. It’s not a very holy dream, but I dream it nonetheless. In it, the Colombian singer Juanes appears at my door, shirtless and on his eleventh beer. He confesses that he came across my writings and, through them, has developed a man-crush on me.& nbsp; Me… a 42 year-old, minivan-driving, dreamboat of an office manager from New Jersey. He then authoritatively grunts “I must have you, Robert”, journeys his hand to the back of my neck, and, with confident ownership, pulls me in closer to kiss me. It is always at this point where I awaken, with an unresolved outcome.

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Sneaking Pleasure

Proverbs 21:6 NRSV
The getting of treasures by a lying tongue
is a fleeting vapor and a snare of death.

Most of us don’t see ourselves as getting treasures through lies. Likely we work at not lying and are very convicted when we choose to lie. However, because we are sinners, we sin. And I would propose that there are times that we hide what we do in an effort to get comfort from the suffering we experience. In other words, there are things we would prefer to do in the darkness, alone, without others watching that we might not do so readily in the presence of others (particularly other brothers and sisters in Christ).

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