
Pornography Addiction: Playing With Fire

Pornography addiction is playing with fire. If your marriage means anything to you at all then you are playing with fire every time you think about or view porn. Even if you are single it will transform your personality into something that was not meant for you to be. It is not beneficial for the mental and emotional aspect of who you are to look lustfully at another woman or man, other than the person God has blessed you with.

Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life. NIV Proverbs 6:25-26

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Overcoming Porn Addiction and Impotency

Ask Angie: How do I handle impotency? We have been married for 23 years. We have not had sex for the past 2 1/2 to 3 years. Nor is there any intimacy. We fell in love and got married. But he was subscribing to pornographic sites, which used to send emails (about 20 – 25 per day) I confronted him with it and he was furious. (This was something I found out about 3 years ago) How do I handle this situation? He won’t go to a Counselor or a Dr. either. We have 2 grown up kids. I don’t think that there is another woman involved. I spoke to him about this but nothing is forthcoming. What should I do?

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We Fight the Wrong Way

Ephesians 6:12, 18 (NRSV)
For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. . . . Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.

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Choosing To Work On Your Marriage

When marriage troubles come butting their ugly little heads in your marriage, you can choose to persevere and work through those troubles, or you can give up and become another divorce statistic. Why not choose the best and most beneficial option for you and your spouse and work on the issues that are affecting your marriage? God would be pleased with your decision.

It takes a lot of faith not just in God but in yourself as a person to want to work on a marriage you know that you could just as easily walk away from. Some people walk away from their marriages, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Is there a potential within your character that gives you the perseverance to want to put forth the needed effort that your marriage needs?

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Is Flirting and Looking The Same As Cheating?

Don’t tell me you have never looked? Don’t tell me you have never flirted? We’re so busy trying to find out if our spouse is cheating that we haven’t taken the time to even look at our own behavior? Perhaps we have rejected our spouse sexually over and over again. Or maybe we have treated them with disrespect and contempt. Or could it be we have cheated ourselves – if we are suspicious of our spouse, maybe it’s because we don’t trust ourselves.

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Adultery is Forgivable

First of all let me say this, I don’t condone adultery. And just because it is forgivable by God, if a spouse repents and turns from their sin, doesn’t make it justifiable in any way shape or form. Infidelity always hurts someone and causes much unneeded animosity between couples. It’s best to be healthy minded spiritually and mentally so you won’t be tempted by lustful desires in the first place. But unfortunately many Christians today are not keeping as spiritually fit as they should.

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Stop Divorce and Recommit Yourselves

Recommitting yourselves to one another in marriage is for couples that are choosing to work on their marriage, resolve issues, and recommit their lives to each other. It is for couples that have grown apart spiritually and or emotionally and intend on encouraging each other through their devotion to one another. And finally, it is for couples who just want to remind their spouse of how much they mean to them, and to keep the bond going strong.

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Am I Married to a Bull?

What do you get when you pair two bulls together in one corral? An awful lot of head butting! A Marriage in this predicament will most likely head straight into the mud.

All this means is couples need to pick themselves up out of the mud, stop butting heads with each other and start putting forth more effort in the reconnection department. Isn’t your relationship worth it?

Remember your spoken thoughts at the altar as you looked into your spouse’s eyes, and swore to commit to each other through thick and thin?

If you feel unmarried or not in a relationship anymore it is time to bring out that pre-marriage energy and get reconnected and bond totally with your spouse.

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Marriage: Whose Responsibility Is It?

Marriage is a big responsibility and a challenging endeavor. Once you get married, it’s not just about you anymore; it is about both of you; it is about taking care of one another’s needs the best you can; it is the willingness to take the time to have a healthy marriage. It is the perseverance to hang in there no matter what. The responsibilities of marriage and family are huge.

I talk an awful lot about responsibilities, roles and duties in marriage because it is very important that couples realize what their responsibilities are, and then fulfill them in a proper Christian manner. This is where cooperation and consideration come into play for balancing out the efforts of both the husband and wife and helping marriage to run efficiently and balanced.

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Suffering Produces Perseverance

One of my favorite quotes from the bible is what Paul said in Romans because I believe it is so accurate. See if it rings true for you too.

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4 NIV

Paul was right when he penned this quote, but what kind of suffering is Paul talking about and why do Christian’s have to suffer? That does not seem fair. We are doing everything right in the sight of the Lord, so why do we suffer for it? Christ Ones will suffer for doing what’s right, that’s all there is to it.

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