
Spiritual Cleanse For The Heart, Mind and Soul

Worksheet at bottom of article

Often times when we don’t feel well, we cleanse the body for physical health to prevent surgery, feel good, look younger, and live longer. What about our spiritual health? Did you know that if we cleanse the mind of unwanted toxins our physical health would also improve?

Spiritual cleansing is excellent therapy for negative and destructive emotions, depression, sadness, drug and alcohol addiction, and all other addictions that have to do with the mind and attitude.

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Sermon on the Mount For Marriage

What do you think would happen in marriage if couples committed themselves dutifully to following the characteristics of the Sermon on the Mount? I think there would be way less divorce, how about you? Also, there would definitely be happier children in the household. Ah, yes what a glorious union of marriage just like God intended.

1) Today on Monday, I will not act proud with my spouse. I will humble myself, even if I think I’m right.

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matthew 5:3

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How Should We Pray?

Worksheet at bottom of article.

Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This then is how you should pray:
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name
Matthew 6:9 NIV

God is our loving Father and is not only majestic and holy, but also a personal and loving God. God is in Spirit everywhere and to all people all the time. When we become believers, we are making a personal commitment to honor His holy name in everything that we do. It is not our achievements but the workings of God in us.

Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10 NIV

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Marriage Healing Begins With Attitude and Beliefs

Sometimes we have to do what is right rather than what feels good. If we only do what feels good and what we want, we’re not going to be very popular with others, especially the person we married. This kind of marriage will be heading straight for divorce court, won’t it? Some of the wrong attitudes we have, and how they can lead us to sinfulness is carried out in our actions, which can cause problems in our relationships.

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Are You A Slave To Sexual Sins?

Are you having less sex with your spouse or stopped having sex with your spouse because you are looking at pornography? Are unhealthy emotions overtaking your thoughts and controlling the outcome of your actions? Have you tried to quit looking at porn but can’t?

If you answered yes to any one of these then you are addicted. Anytime we are addicted to something it means we are under its control and have become a slave to it. Does being addicted to porn mean you are a bad person? Not necessarily.

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Healing From Addiction: Where Does Our Marriage Go from Here?

Ask Angie: My heart aches. I’ve been married 16 years. We have 6 children. My husband got out of rehab for alcoholism, but also worked on his sex addiction. I feel as though I can work through the alcohol part but the trust with the sex addition is not happening. I have been supporting my family for over 2 months with daycare I have in my home. Questions of leaving my husband are a daily struggle. My church has helped with what they can with my bills while he was away. Where do we all go from here?

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Dealing with an Offensive Husband

Ask Angie: We have been married only 4 months and my husband engages in bash sessions with his family, friends, and grown boys about me and all the details of the marriage we are trying to build.  How can I feel safe, loved, and protected in this?  We are going to counseling…I just don’t think he is willing to see this behavior as abnormal.  I think it is just what his family does.  Negative and tearing us down at every turn.

Marriage Guidance: If any of your friends, family and grown boys have any sense they will surely see right through your husbands criticism. We should never allow what others say about us control our own behavior, even if it is from our loved ones. Many times it is our loved ones that will be the most disagreeable.

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How To Change Another Person

river runs through itWhy is it the people who need the most help… won’t take it? Norman Maclean (A River Runs Through It)

Who’s that person in your life who needs to change?

Perhaps a boss bullies and controls or fosters chaos through indecisiveness. Maybe a coworker refuses to communicate or a friend follows a self-destructive path. Possibly a child breaks your heart with obviously bad decisions or a spouse drifts silently away.

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