
Many Mothers

by Maida Rogerson
From How to Achieve Heaven on Earth: 101 insightful essays from the world’s greatest thinkers, leaders and writers, edited by John E. Wade II

Imagine. You’ve just had your first baby. Your husband is in a new job and doesn’t have a lot of time for you. You’ve moved away from your extended family. Suddenly, there you are, you and your beautiful baby, home, alone. Your baby starts to cry, and you’re dead tired and all you want to do is cry yourself, and you have no one to turn to.

Many Mothers Read More »

Nothing less than the LIVING Christ

He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:4

If your faith stops at the cross–it misses the blessing of the fullest revealing of Christ!

You need a Savior who not merely two thousand years ago went to death to redeem you–but one who also is alive to walk by your side in loving companionship.

You need a Savior who can hear your prayers, to whose feet you can creep in penitence when you have sinned, to whom you can call for help when the battle is going against you.

You need a Savior who is interested in all the affairs of your common life, and who can assist you in every time of need.

Nothing less than the LIVING Christ Read More »

Why Starve when You Have “The Bread of Life?”

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35 NIV

When our bodies are hungry or thirsty we open the refrigerator and eat or drink to our hearts content. When we are spiritually hungry what do we do? Some of us do nothing and we remain starved for nutrients. Some of us don’t go to the correct source for our spiritual food and become vitamin deficient. The only way we can really satisfy our spiritual hunger is by getting to know Jesus Christ and having an ongoing personal relationship with Him. When we feel hungry we just ask. When we feel dehydrated we just ask. Jesus is the only way.

Why Starve when You Have “The Bread of Life?” Read More »

Hope is an Anchor if We Allow It to Be

Hebrews 6:17-19 NKJV
Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil.

Hope is an Anchor if We Allow It to Be Read More »

How to Get Out of the Pit

Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger, and of great kindness.
Joel 2:13

Let me start this week’s devotional with the words to a chorus God gave me when I was in the pit of self-loathing and condemnation:

I remember, Lord, the joy of serving You;
I remember, Lord, when all I knew was You;
Flowing through me, calling to me,
Lord, please use me once again!

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Creative decay happens…

Creative decay happens…
A mammoth of the forest falls
A path for sizzling sunlight appears
Tender shoots respond, grow,
Feed on the fallen, recycling the years.

Creative grief looms…
A mountainous emotion zooms
Arresting the will
But, in the end, stilled
Perseverance crests the hill.

Creative worry calls…
Bottomless stress
Wall of despair, ball of dismay
A puzzle with pieces missing, mislaid
Much can be gained from the angst, the rune
Humbled, refocused, head bowed, heart tuned.

Creative decay happens… Read More »

The Deed in the Jar: Contemporary Crises and the Christian Future

An old friend called unexpectedly in mid-January to talk about the economy. He has been in the bullion and numismatics business for decades, and he is usually optimistic. But now he was deeply concerned about the future, and for the first time in his life he was “paranoid.” His economic prognostications were bleak, he explained, because God promises to bring judgment on a faithless nation. Since the United States is grossly immoral, he could only expect tough times ahead.

The Deed in the Jar: Contemporary Crises and the Christian Future Read More »