General Recovery

Prayer and Recovery

Intercession might be defined as love on its knees in prayer for others. It is pleading to Father God on behalf of the needs of someone else. Another way of looking at intercession is that you are standing in the gap for someone else. That is, you are identifying with the sins of those you are in prayer for, asking God’s forgiveness and mercy on their behalf.

Intercession can be one of the most exciting, creative and rewarding experiences in your Christian life. In your prayer closet, you can pray
around the world. Although intercessors are not often publicly rewarded or recognized for their service, they are a vital part of any growing church or ministry. Their faithful dedication to intercession creates a foundation that allows the Lord to work in mighty ways.

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How can I find peace and hope in the midst of desperate circumstances?

How does one find peace and hope in the midst of desperate circumstances?

John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Ephesians 2:14: For he himself is our peace.”

Philippians 4:7: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

How can I find peace and hope in the midst of desperate circumstances? Read More »

I just want to end my pain. Is it wrong to feel that way?

I am in constant pain. Sometimes, I just want to be out of my misery, whatever it takes. Is it wrong to feel that way?

It is not wrong to want to be in God’s presence, free from the effects of this world. It isn’t wrong to desire relief from your physical ailments either. But, suicidal thoughts are symptoms of a lack of hope and trust in the Lord. He has a perfect purpose for you, even in the midst of your ailment.

God loves you so much and He has a plan for you, even in the midst of your suffering. Look at what He accomplished through Jesus’ suffering. He can still use you to bless those around you as the watch your strong witness for Christ.

I just want to end my pain. Is it wrong to feel that way? Read More »

If I have an addiction, can I still be saved?

If I have an addiction, can I still be saved?

Yes! We are not called to perfect ourselves before we come to God. If we could do that, then Jesus could have spared himself the agony of dying of the cross in payment for our sins. He would have simply instructed us to live sin-free lives. He knew, though, that man is utterly incapable of cleansing himself, as demonstrated throughout the Old Testament.

If I have an addiction, can I still be saved? Read More »