
The S.H. U. Factor: Teaching Our Children Well

To deal with the most violent and incorrigible inmates in our nation’s prisons, the Department of Corrections has created the Security Housing Unit (S.H.U.). The SHU is an isolation program for prisoners, locking them up in small cells 23 to 24 hours a day for years at a time, under conditions that cause many to experience physical and psychiatric problems. These are the one’s who just haven’t been able to understand that murder, slinging dope, and preying upon the weak is unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. When looking at their booking photo and reviewing their criminal records, it may be difficult for society to see the human side of these individuals.

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Why You Should Homeschool Your Christian Child – Part 3

by Lee Duigon
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Why do so many parents who seriously consider homeschooling stop short of actually trying it?

Quite a few of them worry about their children’s ability to earn a living when they grow up. When we run into resistance to homeschooling, we often hear something like this: “If he doesn’t go to a ‘real’ school, how will he learn the skills he’ll need to get a good job? To say nothing of going to college!”

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Why You Should Homeschool Your Child – Part 2

by Lee Duigon
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A few years ago, in the middle of a 10th-grade science class I was teaching at a local public high school, a girl unexpectedly rose from her seat and demanded her classmates’ attention.
“Listen, everybody! I’ve got something to tell you. I’m pregnant — I’m gonna have a baby!”
After a round of applause, one of the students asked a question: “Who’s the baby’s father?”

“Well, I don’t know,” said the 15-year-old girl. “But there’s only four or five guys it could be.”

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Why You Should Homeschool Your Christian Child – Part 1

by Lee Duigon
Part 2 | Part 3

It needs more than ever to be stressed that the best and truest educators are parents under God. The greatest school is the family … The moral training of the child, the discipline of good habits, is an inheritance from the parents to the child which surpasses all others. The family is the first and basic school of man.

            — R. J. Rushdoony[1]

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What 98% of Christian Teens Lack and What Christian Parents Can Do About it Today

by David G. Hagopian

Christian pollster, George Barna, reports that only 2% of all born-again American teens have a biblical worldview. This means that 98% of Christian teens lack a Christian worldview! How did we get here? Before we can answer this important question, we first need to understand a little bit about worldviews. A worldview is a set of assumptions we hold about the world and our lives in it that shapes what we think, say, and do. We get our assumptions from many places, most notably at home and in the classroom.

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God’s Plan for Us: A Family of Love

Often, those of us who struggle with issues relating to your behavior, fail to realize that recovery is a process, not a goal that once reached we think that we do not have to put out an effort. Paul writes in 2 Timothy 4:7-8, that he has ran a good race, and finished the course, and have kept the faith. What a wonderful statement. Paul was describing the process of life.

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