Relationships Hope & Help
The following booklets are very instructive and helpful:
Relationships Hope & Help Read More »
The following booklets are very instructive and helpful:
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Historically and Biblically, the family is the central institution in law and in society. Although we do not think of the family normally as a lawmaking body, the family is nonetheless the basic lawmaking body in all history. Every point of power and authority is also a point of law, and, historically, family law has been the basic law of mankind. In any society or institution, there are basic rules of conduct, and these rules of conduct constitute its law structure.
Parenting and God’s Law Read More »
Ask anyone in my family and they’ll tell you that I don’t watch a lot of television on my own, and I do so reluctantly when other family members have “the box” on. I have personally ruined many a show for my children (and husband) over the years, as I was quick to point out the unbiblical worldview being presented or an obvious violation of one or more aspects of God’s holy law-word. That said, there is an adage I have repeatedly heard that goes something like this: Everything is good for something, even if it is just to serve as a bad example.
Let’s say you wanted to prepare an ambassador for diplomatic service. What would be involved?
For starters, you would ensure that the candidate was well versed in the ideology and practices of your country and was prepared to discuss, defend, and promote your nation’s interests in the country where he was going to serve. Selections would be made on the basis of those who were in wholehearted agreement with your country’s goals and purposes, and verified so as to ensure loyalty when living in that foreign culture. You would make sure that anyone sent out was additionally versed in the culture and perspectives of the destination country to be able to conduct the duties and responsibilities of the calling effectively and productively.
The Foundation of the Christian Curriculum Read More »
Dr. Gary North once stated, “Protestant fundamentalist Christians have their eyes on the sky, their heads in the clouds, their hearts in Egypt, and their children in government schools.”
Community Education: How to Impact Your Town with Christian Education Read More »
The book of Ecclesiastes ends with a straightforward directive,
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Eccl. 12:13–14
This statement presupposes that God’s law-word is the rule for all areas of life and thought, and calls us to obedience to it as a duty. Anyone who takes this admonition seriously will naturally need and want to know, how do we go from being hearers of the Word to being doers of the Word?
From Hearers to Doers: The Alpha and Omega of Faith Read More »
From Pride to Humility
Pride is a form of self-worship and is often at the root of dysfunctional behavior as well as addiction. These pages describe the various manifestations of pride and how to learn true humility.
Biblical Counseling
Biblical counselors have been trained to utilize the Bible in a counseling context by applying practical and hopeful biblical principles to real life situations and problems. Christians who find they are struggling with various problems need an understanding of the awesome resources available in biblical solutions that offer real hope and practical help.
Moving from Pride to Humility Read More »
History shows that nearly every nation has ultimately caved in to a very counter-intuitive (satanic?) temptation: That the only sensible way for 4 and 5-year-old children to begin their life-education journey is that they be ripped away from the care of Mom and Dad at home and turned over to “professional specialists” in state-controlled classrooms. Over time, a second fallacy took shape: That the teaching of academics is a more important, more difficult undertaking than training youth in God’s spiritual basics. This latter task, apparently, is something “easily done at home on a ‘whenever’ basis.” Regrettably, these two personal and culture-crippling myths now prevail in spite of centuries of evidence to the contrary.
A Bible Preference for Homeshooling? Read More »
This morning when I was at Wal-Mart, something wonderful and miraculous happened that brought tears of joy flowing down my cheeks. I could barely talk because I was so overwhelmed with the love that I saw that I was in awe. The past two weeks a lot of ants have gotten into my trailer. I have scrubbed everything where I saw them and yet some of them were still here last night.
As I went down the aisle this morning where the ant traps are displayed, I saw a little girl about seven or eight years old with a man who I assumed was her dad. Her dad was looking at some things and was getting frustrated and a little upset because he couldn’t find what he wanted. He looked like he was going to say something unkind any minute.
Understanding Verbal Abuse and Anger
Understanding Verbal Abuse and Anger Read More »