One Day at a Time

Are You Tending Your Garden?

Recovery is much like tending our own garden. A garden needs water, fertilizer, sunshine, good soil and a lot of attention by the gardener. We, as Christians and recovering people need:

  • the water of prayer, meditation, and communing with God
  • the fertilizer of fellowship
  • the “Sonshine” of resting in Him (letting go and letting God)
  • the rich soil of God’s Word in which to firmly anchor our roots. Not only must we read the Word but we must *understand* it and *actively apply* it to our own lives. Roots must be anchored in the soil, they must take up the nourishment and then send it to the entire system of the plant so it may flourish.
  • a lot of attention by us, as our own gardeners, to remove all weeds that appear.

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    One night a man had a dream, and in his dream he reviewed the footsteps he had taken in his life. He looked and noticed that all over the mountains and difficult places that he had traveled, there was one set of footprints… but over the plains and down the hills, there were two sets of footprints, as if someone had walked by his side.

    He turned to Christ and said, “There is something I don’t understand. Why is it that down the hills and over the smooth and easy places you have walked by my side; but, here over the tough and difficult places, I have walked alone; for I see in those areas there is just one set of footprints.”

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What can I do about my serious financial problems?

What can I do about my serious financial problems?

This is an all-too-common question. I don’t know exactly what has caused your financial distress, but for many people, the ever-present credit card, the clamor to acquire bigger and better, and a lack of self-control have put many people in this situation. Add unexpected medical problems, lay-offs, and business failures to that list, and you’ll see why it is a wonder that anyone can stay financially afloat these days.

What can I do about my serious financial problems? Read More »

Tips on How to Journal

What is a Journal?
A journal is simply a place where you write down your thoughts, important ideas or events that you want to remember.

A Spiritual Journal is where you record the important spiritual truths you learn each day and do not want to forget. A Spiritual Journal is not a record of your daily activities, it is a record of what you believe God is teaching you.

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Living Day to Day

1. It is a victory, not a failure, to admit that I cannot control my problems, for then I can turn to God and begin to find serenity.

2. It is constructive to take an honest look at myself, face the true feelings and communicate honestly.

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90 Tools for Sobriety

1 ) Stay away from that first drink, taking the 1st step daily.
2 ) Attend recovery meetings regularly and get involved.
3 ) Progress is made ONE DAY AT A TIME.
4 ) Use the 24 Hour plan.
5 ) Remember, your disease is incurable, progressive and fatal.
6 ) Do first things first.
7 ) Don’t become too tired.
8 ) Eat at regular hours.
9 ) Use the telephone. (not just after the fact but during too.).
10) Be active – don’t just sit around. Idle time will kill you.

11) Use the Serenity Prayer.
12) Change old routines and patterns.
13) Don’t become too hungry.
14) Avoid loneliness.
15) Practice control of your anger.
16) Air your resentments.

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