Eating Disorders: It is all about the heart
I admit it. Whenever I hear anyone touting fitness and health, my uneasy radar goes up. As someone in recovery from eating disorders, it’s a sensitive thing. And, for as many people, who, indeed, strive to get healthier for health’s sake, how many others are only looking to lose weight?
And, how many develop disordered eating behaviors and mindsets during that pursuit?
I may come across as overly critical here, but it’s because the issue has hit so close to home. Not only have I personally battled disordered thoughts and behaviors, including anorexia and bulimia, I’ve also seen how it has spread within my family as well.
And, mostly, within that family context, the decision to diet or exercise is born out of a desire to be thin and to lose weight.
As a little girl, that was, indeed, my desire. I wanted to be good, lovable and pretty. And, I believed I wasn’t because of my overweight physique.
I speak about it in my book, Thin Enough: My Spiritual Journey Through the Living Death of an Eating Disorder.
“…My first diet ended almost when it started, beginning an endless dieting roller-coaster. Diet after diet would start with this angelic-choir Hallelujah moment, followed by this new revelation that ‘This is the diet. Diet ye in it.'”
Eating Disorders: It is all about the heart Read More »