Faith Builders

Acronyms for Faith

FAITHForsaking All I Trust Him

FAITHForsaking All I Take Him

FAITHFantastic Adventures In TrustingHim

FAITHFear Ain’t In This House

FAITHFinding Answers In The Heart

FAITHFor All I Trust Him

FAITHFact Accepted in the Heart

FAITHFor Anything I Trust Him

FAITHFor Answers I Trust Him

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Acronyms for Prayer

Acronyms can help when we feel we do not know how to pray. Write your favorites inside the cover of your Bible so they are handy. Here are some suggestions:

What is prayer?
PRAYERPositive Reassuring Action Yielding Eternal Results

How to remember types of prayer:
ACTSAdoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication

PRAYPraise, Repentance, Asking for others and asking for Yourself

PRAYPraise Repent Ask and Yield

Do you know of any others? If so, submit them! We would love to hear from you.

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Why Do We Have to Suffer?

Jesus said “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Matthew 5:3

How can this be? How can I be blessed if I am suffering? What good does suffering do? . Philip Yancey says:

    “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Why? Because “theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3)
    The poor, the hungry, the mourners, and those who suffer are blessed (Matt. 5:3-6) because their lack of self-sufficiency is obvious to them every day. They must turn somewhere for strength. People who are rich, successful, and beautiful may go through life relying on their natural gifts. But people who are needy, dependent, and dissatisfied with life are more likely to welcome God’s free gift of love.

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God Waits for Us to Draw Near to Him

When all the fighting and protesting is done, God waits for me to draw near to Him. I think that I make more trouble for myself than my own circumstances ever do. I try to control, to manipulate, to manage. And all that is so painful because I am working in a realm where I have no ability and certainly no talent. When I’m honest (which I’m finding isn’t nearly as often as I’d like it to be), I can admit that I’m really not very good at decisions. Many of the ones I’ve made have been simply horrible with drastic results. But when I wait on God and allow Him to make the decisions, things work out so much better. He’s really so much better at decisions than I am, and rightly so, because He sees the future and knows what’s best for me.

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Stand Firm when Emotionally and Physically Exhausted

Our pastor shared this scripture with us yesterday. It was God’s timing (which is always amazing to me) because this year I have felt burdened excessively. It’s been one of those years when there wasn’t one burden, one tragedy, one suffering, but rather one after another after another after another until I’ve felt that I could barely breathe. I certainly have become rather gun shy, wondering what possibly could happen next and knowing that, in all likelihood, what will happen next will be painful, unpleasant at best.

2 Corinthians 1:8-10 NASB

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No Matter How I Feel, Christ is My Righteousness

Galatians 6:12b
“…the cross of Christ alone can save.” (NLT)

David Wilkerson, in the World Challenge Pulpit Series of April 26, 2010, writes:
“No matter how I feel, Christ is my righteousness. No matter how many doubts may arise, Christ is my righteousness. No matter how many accusations I hear from the devil during the day, I stand on this: God sees me as righteous in Christ!”

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Don’t Be Afraid

The disciples were sitting in a boat. [Matthew 14:26-32] After a long night battling the wind, they saw a man walking toward them on the water. Tired and bleary-eyed, they imagined that a ghost approached from the mist. They cried out in fear.


It was Jesus, and He said, “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Don’t be afraid.


Wouldn’t you be afraid? Did Jesus seriously expect them to suddenly stop feeling fearful?

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