Q: What is clutter?
A: “Clutter is anything we don’t need, want, or use that takes our time, energy or space, and destroys our serenity.
It can be outgrown clothes, obsolete paper….We may be selective in some areas, but not in others. Objects may be strewn about or wedged into drawers; neatly stacked or stowed in storage.” The Twelve Steps of Clutterers Anonymous, CLA WSO Literature Committee, approved February 1996.
Q: Is cluttering a real problem?
A: Anything that can get you evicted, get your children taken away from you, keep you from inviting people into your home, get you charged more by retailers and the tax authorities because you can’t find the paperwork needed to pay them on time, is a real problem.
Q: Does cluttering go together with ___?
A: Clutterers are more likely to have one of these: clinical depression, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. But none of these invariably goes together with cluttering; and cluttering doesn’t
invariably go together with any of them.
Organizations for clutterers
Messies Anonymous
National. 100 groups. Founded 1981.
Multilingual. 12- Step. Group that aims to improve the quality of life of disorganized homemakers. Provides motivation and a program for change to help members improve self-image as control of house and life is obtained. Optional donation at meetings.
Quarterly newsletter ($16/2-yrs). Interactive online group. Books and materials available in English, German and Spanish. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope when writing.
Messies Anonymous
c/o Nest Builders
PO Box 343566
Homestead, FL 33034-0566
CALL: 1-800-637-7292
FAX: 786-243-2793
E-MAIL: nestbuilder@earthlink.net
WEBSITE: http://www.messies.com
Clutterless Recovery Groups Inc. National.
Founded 2000.
Support for those persons that find it difficult to discard unwanted possessions. Group uses psychological principals to change behavior. Provides newsletter, literature, information, referrals, conferences, pen pals and group meeting locations.
Also offers online networking. Offers information on starting similar groups ($15 includes 3-ring binder, w/CD and hardcopy brochure).
1714 54th St., Suite B
Galveston, TX 77551-4717
E-MAIL: mike@clutterless.org
WEBSITE: http://www.clutterless.org
Clutterers Anonymous
12-step fellowship of individuals who share experience, strength, and hope with each other in order to solve their common problems with clutter and help others to recover.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to eliminate clutter and bring order to one’s life. Some phone groups available. Literature for startging new groups. List
of meetings nationwide on website.
P.O. Box 91413
Los Angeles, CA 90009-1413
WEBSITE: http://www.clutteresanonymous.net