Christians in Recovery Knowledge Base article

Adult Children of Alcoholics: Info & Help

It can be hard having a loved one who is an alcoholic. If one or both of your parents were/are alcoholic, you may have deep scars as a result of their dysfunctional behaviors. You are not alone! The Christians in Recovery Web site is loaded with information and resources to help you and your loved one.

Common Characteristics of People who had an Alcoholic Parent(s)
Adult Children of Alcoholics:

  • guess at what normal is
  • have difficulty in following a project through from beginning to end
  • lie when it would be just as easy to tell the truth
  • judge themselves without mercy
  • have difficulty having fun
  • take themselves very seriously
  • have difficulty with intimate relationships

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Spiritual Abuse Info & Help

Spiritual abuse occurs when someone in a position of authority (parent, priest, friend, family member or an entire church) misuses their authority placing themselves over others to control, coerce or manipulate them for seemingly Godly purposes which are really their own. This abuse can be physical, emotional and/or sexual in nature. Guilt, fear and intimidation is used to subdue and manipulate.

You will find resources on the Christians in Recovery Web site as follows:
Where to Start Recovery

Recovery Frequently Asked Questions

To find help and meetings locally:

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Abuse – Information & Help

Abuse can take several forms: physical, mental, emotional, religious, sexual, verbal and/or spiritual.

Abuse is rampant in our time. Every day there are stories of teachers, priests, and ministers who have abused someone. The Christian home is not even free from abuse. The abuser is often addicted to their behavior, and they find it very difficult to stop without help. Verbal abuse includes withholding, bullying, defaming, defining, trivializing, harassing, interrogating, accusing, blaming, blocking, countering, diverting, lying, berating, taunting, putting down, edifying, discounting, threatening, name-calling, yelling and raging.

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Member’s Center

Make sure to scroll down this page. Your Account Help Center Site Map Suggestion Box Change Password Update Your Contact Information MEMBERSHIP Benefits Renew or Upgrade Cancel SUBSCRIPTIONS Daily Thought – subscibe & unsubscribe CIR Monthly News – subscibe & unsubscribe The Gabriel (Quarterly Magazine) Monthly Giving Program Donate Connect with Others Chat Rooms Meeting

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Topic Suggestions for Meetings

At the beginning of the meeting ask those attending if there is anything on their mind or that they would like to discuss with their fellow Christians in recovery. If no one responds suggest a topic. Think up something that YOU would like to discuss. Below are some suggestions. You do not have to stick with these topics. These are only suggestions!

Use these CIR Materials as a springboard for discussion:
CIR Workbook & Meeting Guide
CIR Devotional Journal
Daily Recovery Thought, Scripture & Prayer as a springboard for discussion.
The 12 Steps

Select a favorite scripture and discuss that.

Crisis Situations

Deeply Troubled?

    If your are greatly disturbed either spiritually, mentally or emotionally, it is imperative that you seek professional help IMMEDIATELY. Online resources and meetings are not to be confused with group therapy or professional counseling sessions.

    Phone the appropriate
    (worldwide listing) or Christian Counseling Ministry


    Suicide National Hotline
    1.800.SUICIDE (1.800.784.2433)

    National Suicide Hotline

    National Youth Crisis & Suicide Hotline

    National Adolescent Suicide Hotline

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Living Day to Day

1. It is a victory, not a failure, to admit that I cannot control my problems, for then I can turn to God and begin to find serenity.

2. It is constructive to take an honest look at myself, face the true feelings and communicate honestly.

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