Christians in Recovery Knowledge Base article

Sexual Disorders Information

Gender Identity Disorder
Gender Identity Disorder is where a persons anatomical sex and their gender identity conflict. This is also called transsexualism. In this disorder, there is a desire to be rid of one’s own gender appropriate anatomy and to live as a person of the opposite gender. These people often, but not always, cross-dress to be in line with their gender identity. Increasingly, numbers of those with this disorder are choosing surgical interventions.


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Gender Identity Disorder / Transsexualism

Gender Identity Disorder occurs when a persons anatomical sex and their gender identity conflict. This is also called transsexualism. In this disorder, there is a desire to be rid of one’s own gender appropriate anatomy and to live as a person of the opposite gender. These people often, but not always, cross-dress to be in line with their gender identity. Increasingly, numbers of those with this disorder are choosing surgical interventions.

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Treatment Strategies for Sex Addiction

The Stages of Recovery
(from: “Don’t Call It Love” by Patrick Carnes)

    1. Developing: preconscious awareness of needing help; may be traced back to childhood when there was an awareness that something was wrong or out of control
    2. Crisis/Decision: Need to reach bottom followed by intervention; usually needs to be spouse and/or a group of people confronting them. A good intervention will include a recovering addict who can share his/her recovery story.

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Grief & Bereavement

Grief is an intense emotional suffering caused by personal loss. It involves acute sorrow, deep sadness, suffering, pain, and anguish. Bereavement can be defined more specifically as the grief that follows the death of a loved one. This chapter will focus primarily on that aspect of grief.

Bereavement is a difficult time. The bereaved person will often feel that his or her experience is unique, that no one has ever endured such a loss or suffered as he or she is suffering. There are cycles of healing to the pattern of grief, which permit the sorrowing person to recover in due time. For some, however, complete recovery never comes.

The cycle of healing from grief usually proceeds as follows:

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Help for Friends & Family of Alcoholics

It can be hard having a loved one who is an alcoholic. Those
who do often struggle with these issues:

  • Worrying about how much someone drinks
  • Having money problems because of someone else’s drinking
  • Telling lies to cover up for someone else’s drinking
  • Feeling that the drinker loved you, he or she would stop drinking to please you
  • Blaming the drinker’s behavior on his or her companions
  • Having plans frequently upset or canceled or meals delayed because of the drinker
  • Making threats, such as, "If you don’t stop drinking, I’ll leave you."
  • Secretly try to smell the drinker’s breath
  • Fear of confronting someone for fear it will set off a drinking bout

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We Are Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

According to Triumph Over Darkness: Understanding and Healing the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Wood, Wendy A. Beyond Words Publishing. April, 1993.

    1. We grew up feeling very isolated and vulnerable, a feeling that continues into our adult lives.

    2. Our early development has been interrupted by abuse, which either holds us back or pushes us ahead developmentally.

    3. Sexual abuse has influenced all parts of our lives. Not dealing with it is like ignoring an open wound. Our communication style, our self-confidence, and our trust levels are affected.

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