Christians in Recovery Knowledge Base article

Eyes On The Prize

Have you ever seen the sport of curling? Curling, like most games, incorporates complex strategies and techniques, but the basic idea is pretty simple. The object, like other similar games (Crokinole and Shuffleboard), is to score points by getting your team’s markers closer to the target. These games typically involve three main tactics: Slide your […]

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Our Babylon

The darkest times still harbor hope
And weakest wills conceal a way,
A path forgotten, choked, untried,
A torch untouched by dismal days.

From ruins rank and unredeemed
A phoenix can appear, hold sway,
Misty mournings, though amassed,
May yet relent, admit the day.

A righteous branch arose anon,
Though Judah had been captive, slaved,
Our Babylon has prison doors
Whose locks release when God invades.

“The days are coming,” declares the LORD,
“when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch,
a King who will reign wisely
and do what is just and right in the land.
In his days Judah will be saved
and Israel will live in safety.
This is the name by which he will be called:

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Why Did My Sister Die?

by Wes Moore

You may not know this, but Ted Turner once planned to be a Christian missionary (if you aren’t aware, he is now a vocal atheist). His slide from faith started when his younger sister, Mary Jane, came down with a horrible disease. The National Review put it this way:

All his prayers for [Mary Jane’s] recovery — an hour a day, he said — were for naught. “She used to run around in pain, begging God to let her die,” he recalled. “My family broke apart. I thought, ‘How could God let my sister suffer so much?'” [1]

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Family Culture vs. Pop Culture

by Israel Wayne

Although it is never objectively accurate to say that a certain time period was “the good old days,” there are many positive values that our society has lost in the past 150 years. One of the most tragic of these losses was the disintegration of the family culture, and especially multi-generational connections and legacies.

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What’s Fair? (Part 1)

Do you believe in fairness? Do you try to treat everyone equally?

I had a curious conversation recently. Seated over lunch at an event with some men I’d just met, one guy (correctly) observed that the entrance to the building was a challenge for someone in a wheelchair. Another man (I’ll call him John) noted that the owners had done a lot to make their facilities accessible. Then he added an interesting comment.

“I’m not sure they should feel bad about not catering to every possible need. Devoting so many resources to such a small minority isn’t really fair.

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Stop Rescuing the Alcoholic and Start Rescuing You

Ask Angie: Dear Angie, I have been married to an alcoholic husband for eight years now and we have two young children together. We have taken marriage courses and I have been reading the Love Dare. I have tried the detach method but it is difficult since he starts drinking every day at around 9 or 10 in the morning (since he was laid off over six months ago) and drinks until he goes to bed which is usually midnight. If I don’t talk to him when he’s drinking he gets angry. How can I make the detachment work in this situation and how can I protect our children from his anger?

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