Since he had no sword, he ran over and pulled Goliath’s sword from its sheath. David used it to kill the giant and cut off his head! 1 Samuel 17:50-51
If he had not cut off the giant’s head–the old Philistine champion would have gotten up by and by, and walked away; for he was only stunned, not killed, by the stone. David made sure work of his victory!
A great many of our attacks upon sin in our own hearts, and in the world–only stun, and do not kill the evil. We walk away, thinking we have done a fine thing. But shortly, we meet the ‘old giant’ again, stalking abroad as before! He soon recovers from our blow, and we have to fight the battle over; and perhaps we fight it again in the same half–hearted way–and thus on and on, to the end of our life!
Most of us have had just such experience as this, with our own evil lusts and passions. We overcome them very often, and think each time that we are through with them–but soon again they are as active as ever.
We need to learn a lesson from David–and finish our victories by cutting off the head of every giant we strike down!
There is no other way of killing sins!
The life is in the head–and the head must be struck off–or the enemy will be facing us again in a day or two, with but a scar on his forehead!
The only way to get a real victory over vices–is to decapitate them! Bruises and wounds are not enough. There must be thorough work done, in the name of the Lord. Half-way measures will not avail.
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5
Samuel hewed Agag to pieces before the Lord.1 Samuel 15:33.
Like Samuel, we must hew our Agags to pieces!
~ J. R. Miller, “Miller’s Year Book–a Year’s Daily Readings”

James Russell Miller (March 20, 1840 – July 2, 1912)
was a popular and prolific Christian author.