How to Link to CIR

Directions For Linking to Christians in Recovery®

Simply copy and paste the code from one of the three options below, to your web page.
No HTML knowledge needed!
(If you are proficient in HTML please put the graphics on your own site & adjust the HTML accordingly).

Christians in Recovery For this graphic link, insert the following code:
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Christians in Recovery" border="0"></a>
Christians in Recovery For this graphic link, insert the following code:
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Christians in Recovery" border="0"></a>
Christians in Recovery For this graphic link, insert the following code:
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Christians in Recovery" border="0"></a>
Visit Christians in Recovery® For a text link, insert the following code:
Visit <b><a href="">
Christians in Recovery&#174;</a></b>