Do you suspect you may have an eating disorder? Perhaps you have read about the common signs and symptoms of eating disorders and recognize them in yourself. Maybe you are experiencing health changes such as weakness or dizziness, digestive problems or dental problems and you think they are caused by certain food behaviors.
Perhaps you feel afraid to eat, you desire to gain control in your life by controlling your food intake or you lie about what you have eaten. Even so, you may reason that there is no need to admit you have an eating disorder because you don’t have all of the symptoms, it hasn’t affected your health (yet) or you aren’t as bad off as others you have heard of who have eating disorders.
Whether you restrict your food intake, binge, purge, have unusual food practices or any other number of eating disorder behaviors, you know that something does not feel right. Maybe you are afraid to tell your doctor for fear that what you expect is really true.
Even though only a professional can diagnose an eating disorder, you may know on some level that something isn’t right. Whether you have a full blown eating disorder or symptoms that could lead to an eating disorder, your food behaviors as well as your health and emotional related issues should be taken seriously. But how can Christian eating disorder recovery help?
I don’t say any of these things to make you feel bad that you haven’t been able to admit that you may have an eating disorder. This isn’t an easy thing to do. Furthermore, our hearts can deceive. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9 Please try to take comfort in knowing that you are not the only one who may have difficulty admitting a struggle. Our hearts can be deceitful sometimes. Plus, an eating disorder is a serious matter, so it’s no small thing to admit having one.
But here is the good news, found in the verse in Jeremiah that follows: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind.” Jeremiah. 17:10a You can rely on the Lord to expose what is truly in your heart and mind. He can help you be honest with yourself. He can help you admit you have an eating disorder if you do indeed have one.
In Christian eating disorder recovery, you can have help from the very beginning. God can help you admit that something isn’t right. You may or may not find out you have a full blown eating disorder, but He can help you admit whatever you do have. Even if the behaviors you practice and thoughts you have do not warrant an eating disorder diagnosis, you may still have serious issues to address. But with the Lord at your side, He can help you know what you are dealing with and help you through whatever it may be.