12 Steps

The Alcoholic Christian

Alcoholism is running rampant today, even in Christian’s homes! Scripture tells us we are not to get drunk on too much wine because it causes sin. But the bible says a believer in Christ is saved through the death of Jesus. Does that mean the alcoholic Christian is saved too? Understand that living a righteous life in Jesus Christ is what gives the Christian eternal life. Being “saved” is a rebirth process and lifestyle change from walking in darkness to walking in the light. Do you think an alcoholic walks in the light or in the dark? Ok, then, there’s your answer.

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Ephesians 5:18 NIV

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Joe and Charlie Worksheet #1

Joe & Charlie Workshop – Handout – Work Sheets – Page 1       WHAT IS THE SOLUTION ? Fellowship supports us.   Spiritual experience or spiritual awakening changes us.   OLD MEMBER…supports through experience-> OLD MEMBER…supports through strength- – > OLD MEMBER….supports through hope- – – – > A Fellowship of those who suffer the same

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Are You Doing the Right Thing?

Proverbs 20:10 NRSV
Even children make themselves known by their acts,
by whether what they do is pure and right.

Known by their acts. We are not who we say we are; we are who we show we are. The Lord Jesus taught that “either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.” Matthew 12:33 NRSV

The idea of fruit is used in scripture to depict behavior that comes from the spirit. (Did you know that all behavior comes from a spirit?) And what’s interesting is that Galatians 5 begins the discussion about behavior with this verse:

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Where is Your Faith?

Over the last eighteen years, I’ve been privileged, to be able to share my Spiritual experience to a vast number of people from all walks of life. I, like many of my readers struggle with everyday issues of life and in no way do I ever want to project a holier than thou persona.

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Indulgence or Self-discipline?

When I was younger, there was a hepatitis outbreak on my college campus. Unfortunately, I was one of the young people to get it. Our family doctor recommended a diet regimen and rest for three months, giving my liver a chance to recover. At the end of the three months, he pronounced me well and told me that I could go back to my regular activities. The problem was, I was still tired. Tired all the time. I asked the doctor about it, afraid that I still had active hepatitis. He told me that I was fine, but that the inactivity had caused my body to feel tired. What I needed to do was ignore my tiredness and get active again. Do exercise. Get out. Eventually the tired feeling would disappear.

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