
Should we teach our kids that it is good to fight back?

In what circumstances, if any, do we teach our kids that it is good to fight back?

There is a big difference between defending and protecting oneself from severe harm and seeking revenge. Differentiating between these two extremes is very difficult for a child. That is why Christians have maintained a standard of not fighting back. Children, by human nature, will almost always lash out at their enemy, even if they are not in any danger. They become angry and unreasonable in the face of a wrongdoing directed toward them.

Should we teach our kids that it is good to fight back? Read More »

Protecting Kids from Prescription Drug Abuse

In the United States, it is estimated that about 2,500 teens daily abuse these “legal” drugs for the first time. They do so to get high, relieve stress or to self-medicate. One alarming finding of the survey is that most teens get those prescription drugs from their own family members or from friends, usually without them knowing about it.

There are steps that parents can take to prevent this type of drug abuse in their homes and protect their children from the dangers of the misuse of prescription drugs.

Get Rid of Old or Unused Medications

Protecting Kids from Prescription Drug Abuse Read More »