
Addiction – Basic Information

Many people view drug abuse and addiction as strictly a social problem. Parents, teens, older adults, and other members of the community tend to characterize people who take drugs as morally weak or as having criminal tendencies. They believe that drug abusers and addicts should be able to stop taking drugs if they are willing to change their behavior.

These myths have not only stereotyped those with drug-related problems, but also their families, their communities, and the health care professionals who work with them. Drug abuse and addiction comprise a public health problem that affects many people and has wide- ranging social consequences.

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If I have an addiction, can I still be saved?

If I have an addiction, can I still be saved?

Yes! We are not called to perfect ourselves before we come to God. If we could do that, then Jesus could have spared himself the agony of dying of the cross in payment for our sins. He would have simply instructed us to live sin-free lives. He knew, though, that man is utterly incapable of cleansing himself, as demonstrated throughout the Old Testament.

If I have an addiction, can I still be saved? Read More »

Defeating Drug Addiction & Alcoholism Workshop – Transcript

note: Members can discuss this workshop in the Message Boards HERE

ClaraT-Host: David is the author of Voyage into Recovery: Defeating Drug Addiction & Alcoholism.
Published by iUniverse, Inc., Lincon NE ( 2005)& This book –published this year –is already
suggested reading by the American Council on Alcoholism (ACA is a member of United Way and
the Combined Federal Campaign. You can find what they say about Voyage into Recovery here
as well as more of their suggested readings.

David, himself says in his book’s description: Nothing made sense. I was a well-educated

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What About the “Disease Concept” of Addiction ?

Q: Doesn’t the promotion of the “disease concept” help addicts avoid taking responsibility for their behavior?

A: The only people I’ve ever heard use the “disease concept” as an excuse are practicing alcoholics who have no real intention of changing. I hear something totally different from Rescue Mission counselors and other professionals who subscribe to what has been called the “clinical approach” to treatment and recovery.

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